The Woodward Dream Cruise was an absolute BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am ssssooo glad I attended. And, I "killed 4 birds with 1 stone", as it were.
I've never been fond of that saying, but unfortunately, my creative mind can't think of anything better right now......
As for those 4 special events in 1 trip:
* I met Rich...got to see Jim again (will see him again this year in Colorado in a couple months
* Met several people from some other auto-related message boards
* Attended my 1st Woodward Dream Cruise (the 10th Annual one, no less!)
* Attended a 1st Gen MC Club Annual Meeting for the 1st time! (Yes, the 1st Gen Club met at Woodward Dream Cruise!)
It was great to finally meet you! It's great to put a face/voice to the name on the screen! And, it was great to meet someone who worked for the GM Design Team
. He he he.... Seriously, I'm glad we had the opportunity to meet!
I'm so glad you surprised me by coming down Friday night after all! I was a bit bummed when I spoke to you earlier that evening when it looked like I wouldn't get the opportunity to see you this trip. As it was, I didn't get to see a few people I had planned to visit, but well, you can't do it all, can ya? Heh. Ah, well...there is always next time...right?
And, thanks for your comments about my '87
And, to both of you, thank you for rolling with the program Friday night...I admit it was a bit crazy with all of the calls and people stopping by. Hope you didn't think I was too distracted...he he he. I was just the "social butterfly" this weekend...and I had a blast at it, too!
As for pictures, if you all like, I can (when I get a chance) put together some different links for ya'll to check out....
And, Ann...you nailed it:
"Like you are coming together with your long lost loved one."
Amen, sister
Not so glad to be home...he he he,
Cort, "Mr MC"/"Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'76/'79/'81/'87 & train & models =
Spotting MCs =
MC's Future =