Sorry for the delay in reposting - we are at our wits' end with contracts, work, and other messes. I had originally put together a much nicer piece to go with the photos, but it was accidentally deleted, as I was holding onto it in hopes of loading the pictures myself. The abbreviated version was because I wanted to get something up before it snows...
Marsha, we avoid the outlets at all costs. We have outlets in NJ, and we don't go to them, either. I know it's an icon, but LL Bean doesn't impress me very much. Cabela's and Bass Pro shops are much more reasonable (usually) for same-quality outdoor gear. I have stopped in the Bass Pro Shop in Charlotte, NC. It's like a combination of Toys-R-Us and Disneyland for men.
Karlynn and Hennsylee, you're so right, it is like meeting family. I didn't know before that I had someone so tall in the family. Jim is a very nice man, well-spoken, and it was a privilege to meet him. He took time to see us out of a workday that grew increasingly more busy the minute he tried to set up to see us. He was facing a sudden, unexpected requirement to do a presentation to the hospital Board when we showed up, and we took some of his prep time for that for certain. He had only about an hour and a half to finish it by the time we left.
Phyllis, I did get to stop in MA at my cousin's place on the pond. Unfortunately, we weren't able to work out a time with HarryBaby666 in NH. I'm no stranger to CT, though. I graduated high school in Cheshire, and attended the Waterbury branch of UConn for two years.
Best wishes,