Merry Christmas!!

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
Wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone now as I am shopping, wrapping and present delivering today and tomorrow so probably won't be on again till after Christmas.

So have a wonderful christmas everyone... hope Santa brings everything you want and more!!

Lots of love
Have a great Christmas everyone! Here's a little song/animation to get you in the festive mood:

And if Chloe or any other kids want to know exactly when Santa will be delivering their presents, check this out: (heard about it on the Jonathan Ross Christmas show last night) - pretty cool!

Well, hope everyone manages to eat, drink and be merry over the next couple of days!

Love Gemma xx
Thanks Emma! I missed getting a post onto the other Christmas thread (where did it go?) as it's been all hustle and bustle around here so I'm glad to see this one.

All 3 kids are now home from college and having us all together is JUST SO WONDERFUL!!! All of you with wee and little folk out there, hug them like there's no tomorrow, because tomorrow comes so fast and they're out of the house and grown up in the twinkle of an eye!

Best wishes for all holiday celebrations to bring warmth and peace to my friends here at

:D Marguerite
Merry Christmas And

Merry Christmas And

HAPPY HANUKKAH TO ALL!!! Thanks Emma for starting the thread. Hope you all have a blessed holiday.

Christina L
:) :) Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Others To All My VR.COM Family.:) :)

I'm at our Daughter's in Brunswick Georgia right now. Will spend early Christmas Morning with grandkids and then drive back home to spend the rest of Christmas with wife's family. May everyone have a safe and happy Christmas.

Save the Perverts Foundation!!!!!! Wonder who would qualify for that Club from this fine and upstanding organization?????

May God Bless,

"God bless us one and all"

"God bless us one and all"

Ross, thanks for the laugh! You folks do know how to lift ones spirits! Brian