Merry Christmas to all

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Well, here we are at Christmas Eve. Looking back over our year, haven't we covered ground! And so many new friends have joined. Thanks to our host and founder, Hank (and his beautiful wife, Michelle) we have been able to share so very much. Just want you all to know that you have enriched my life. So, tomorrow, I will be thankful for all the good things I have and all the good things yet to come. This is a great time to do that, you know. Merry Christmas, Everybody. God bless Hensylee:D :D
Hi Hensylee,

Merry Christmas to you too, and to all our Heart Friends on here.
I will also save some special thoughts and prayers tomorrow that we all may have a Happy and HEalthy NEw YEar!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

I would also like to wish a very special Holiday Greeting to all of my wonderfull friends here on

May God continue to bless each one of us with good health and blessings.

I personally have been blessed just by having the opportunity to know you.

Merry Christmas my dear friends.

Merry Christmas to all! We ALL have much to celebrate! We hope that you all enjoy the holiday season with family and friends.

God Bless!

John & Joann
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!

May we all have a new year filled with happiness, peace and better health.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to my family. A year ago I didn't know any of you. I feel my life has totally been enriched by finding this forum, which i never would have found if Hank and Michelle hadn't created it. So Thank You Hank And Michelle!
I feel so blessed to have met just a handful of the members at
the Nashville Reunion!

I wish everyone a safe and cheerful Christmas and I pray for a Healthy & Happy New Year!

May God bless all of my friends at!
Hi to all my good friends,

The 'top'o'the Morning' to Y'all from a rather cold and wet 'Emerald Isle,' and a BIG, Irish Happy Christmas to one and all.

A special Greeting to all the good folks I had the pleasure of meeting in Nashville and I hope that those little green men haven't fallen off your trees.

Merry Christmas and Good luck and Good Health in 2002.
May everyone have the merriest, most peaceful holiday!!!

We don't have to look very far to see what a wonderful gift Hank and Michelle have given.

'The gift that keeps on giving'.... day after day, month, year. On and on.

Wishing my family a very blessed holiday and uneventful health year in '2002!

Merry Christmas to you and yours.
With love,
Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and I hope that each and every one of you will have a healthy 2002 .....!

Have a wonderful Scottish Hogmanay
love Scottie
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Just want to wish you all a very, merry Christmas and a safe New Year's. Be careful on the roads and be healthy this next year. I am glad to have found you all and can call you my friend. You have helped so much over the past few months. I am doing better and the chest is healing as well as can be expected. I still have bad days and more good days. Thanks for being there and I will keep coming back for more. Happy holidays from my family.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Merry Christmas,

I just want to wish everyone, and their families a wonderful holiday.

St. Jude's MVR
Woodbridge, Va
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Thank you, Hank for making our little family here in possible.

Merry Christmas Everyone! What a very special group of people!

I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

Wishing you all the experience of peace this Christmas and during the coming year. Especially remembering everyone who is anxious or afraid, for whatever reason.

With love from Gillian
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Wishing all my friends and family of a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Only 278 days left until the Vegas Reunion!
God Jul och Gott Nytt År!

God Jul och Gott Nytt År!

It's a few days after Christmas but here's to a merry merry boxing day and the happiest of new years!

/jessica :D
A Belated Merry Christmas!

A Belated Merry Christmas!

Finally, I tried to post yesterday and the elves in my computer just were not cooperating.

I wish health and happiness for all of you and thank you for being that community who understands where we have all been.

Love you all!
To all my friends at,

Wishing you all a (belated) Merry Christmas and a healthy and safe New Year from Down Under.

I also had elves in the computer on Christmas Day which prevented me from getting through.

Year 2001 has been a big year for me and many others like me. I can only marvel and give thanks to the medical profession for having got me through it so well. I hope you others are also travelling well.

As I have shifted office, my regular email is still [email protected] for anyone who wishes to make contact.

Oh Hank, I checked out Hobart last month and it would be a perfect venue for the next reunion. I'm sure the North American branch of would love to visit Tasmania.

Once again, best wishes to everyone and let's all hope that the world becomes a better place in 2002.
