Merry Christmas!/take Heart We're Here

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
Newton, MA
Trying to combine two threads here because they feel related...1.) I feel such a bond with some of the members here that it surprises me. The connection is real: A bond of shared or similar powerful and or traumatic experience. 2.) The spirit of Christmas as I know it, is a time to rejoice, to reconnect with what we value. To celebrate Love as it manifests in our lives, and to share our love with others. It is also a time to be thankfull for what we've been given. After my OHS, I felt I'd been given another chance at life, a bonus round if you will. I vowed I would try to lead a better life. In fact, I hadn't succeeded. Most of my 21 years post op have been squandered. I too have been that careless, irresponsible person that brings pain to others accidently. Like the ones I complain about (See my replies about incompetence in healthcare to other posts tonight). I've hurt too many unintetionally. I lost a cousin in October of 2001. He was shot dead in his home at 48. My family was devastated. He was a very special man. A Federal Prosecutor that never lost a case, and who received the gratitude of some of those he convicted! He changed their lives for the better! (The man suspected of shooting him, hadn't been convicted in the case involving him, but the government confiscated the means of his livelyhood, and he blamed my cousin). I tell you this, because my cousin Tom succeeded. I mourn my/our loss of him, but I can't feel sorry for a man who really embraced and lived each day! He maintained connections to those he loved, and maintained the love by not hurting them unnecesarily. He was a man of many passions, and he embraced them fully. He was the kind of person I want to be. The kind I want everyone to be. Lionhearted. When he found fault, he tried to change it. He wasn't satisfied with the world, but he did enjoy it! He was a happy man. I don't know if I'm conveying my train of thought here, but I have felt really touched by quite a few of you here, and I 've tried to reach out to some of you as well. As I see it we have a very good success rate here. Many of us make real, and valuable connections here. My Christmas wish, is to start making them everywhere else in my life! I can't list you all or this post would be even longer!:D Thank you! Merry Christmas! Special thanks to Al! Your cyber pal, Brian
BDMc said:
I vowed I would try to lead a better life. In fact, I hadn't succeeded. ............

I lost a cousin in October of 2001.

Hi Brian. So sorry to hear about your cuz.

I too am reflecting on my experience at this time of year. I'm not sure I've lived the better life I vowed when I woke up from surgery either. BUT, I'm certainly more cognizant and appreciative of the abundant blessings I've received in my life. This will sound kind of sick, but because of the wakeup call it has provided, heart disease and surgery has been a GOOD thing in my life. The last four years have been some of the best.

Best wishes to you and all at

No matter what time of year we lose loved ones, this always seems to be the time of year they come to mind constantly. I remember my parents and how special they made our lives and especially how special they made Christmas. I really miss them right now.

I have not lost any family members to violence but a co-worker was murdered a few years back. It is even worse because they never "found" the person who did it (although many of us suspect a former boyfriend). Losing someone to illness is hard enough but losing someone to violence never seems to make sense.

I wish you well this Christmas and hope your reflections are happy ones. I am sure your cousin is in a good place and celebrating also.
Brian, what a thoughtful post. Each day is a chance to start a new. As long as we're alive, we have that chance to be a better person than we were the day before.

Wishing you (and all) a Merry Christmas and joyous New Year full of new chances.
My computer is messing up so bear with me here. You said a mouthful Brian. It always at this time of year that we remember the one person who made a difference in our life that we chose to remember at Christmas time. You take care and hang unto those memmories. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. :D

I like to think of us here as an extended family. You've got the sane and business like bunch blended nicely (most of the time) with the "weird" ones (me included).;) I try to thank the good Lord each and every morning for giving me a new lease on life. I don't know exactly what His plans for me are but I try to give back to others what I've received from my family here and others that helped me through this walk. I hope in some small way I can provide experience, help, guidance, suggestions, humor and a shoulder to help each one of us face this task ahead. Sometimes I've had to say OOOOOOPS and have trodded on a toe or two but I do it with LOVE in my heart; well, most of the time.:D :D Of course, we are only human!!!!!

Welcome to the dinner table. PASS THE #@$%^& POTATOS!!!!!!:D :D

May God Bless,

Nice Gift

Nice Gift

What a nice gift to wake up to on Christmas Eve day! You folks certainly have reached me! Danny, thanks for the laugh! You have a talent there! I better get shopping, haven't started yet...Brian
Thanks for taking the time to convey the thoughts that many of us feel. Merry Christmas and God's blessings to you.
Brian - I believe every one of us who have been down this road have much to think about with the new life given to us. We are thankful and most of us feel a difference in our sensibilities since our trek over the mountain.

I too lost a loved one last year to similar tragic circumstances. It makes us stop and think about a lot of things, doesn't it.

We are grateful for the members on this board - they show us love and kindness every day.

And yeah, Danny, we do stop on toes now and again but we all get past it.

You can forget the potatoes and pass Bonnie's brunswick stew.
Your so sweet

Your so sweet

I would like to Thank You Brian for your inspiration and help. You have helped (along with so many others here) me feel grateful this holiday season!
I'm Very grateful and blessed this Christmas.....Survived the heart attack and surgery, my Son in Law made it home safely from Iraq.....His Mother who was diagnosed with Liver Cancer is now in remission. I have loathed holidays for quite some time because I always miss my folks. 23 years since I lost my Mom and 8 since I lost my dad....Holidays have never been the same. I'm also glad the rest of you able to read this are still here!......A bit late for Merry Christmas, But happy and healthy New Year to you all!!
