memory loop recorder question

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Does anyone have any advice on ways to get best results from a cardiac memory loop recorder?

I am to wear one for teh next month or less depending on when the offending arrhythmia is detected and then in Aug. go for follow up appt to decide on further treatment and probably set up the EP study date.

Also anyone have any reccomendations for Adult Congenital Cardios in WI?


ericaj said:
Does anyone have any advice on ways to get best results from a cardiac memory loop recorder?



Funny you should ask! I just finished my month.

The answer to your question will depend on how often your arrhythmias occur and how long they last.

If they are frequent, or last only a brief time, you should probably wear the recorder continuously, or at least while you are awake.

If they only occur after some trigger (caffeine, nicotine, physical activity, stress) or last a long time, you can get away with leaving it disconnected until you need it. To preserve the batteries, you would need to remove them when not in use, then reinstall them before attaching the loop monitor. My unit allowed for recording two events which I would do sequentially when an arrhythmia began, and then call the 800 number to download the recording.

It's pretty straight forward and you should not have any problem 'getting it right'.

Good luck on capturing the 'elusive events'.
