Member needs prayers

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
I just wanted to request some prayers from those of you inclined to do so for one of our members, Flowergal. Her real name is Hiafa and she is in the hospital and not doing very well. She and I became friends on here and have had pretty regular contact on the phone over the past 2 years and have actually been able to meet for lunch when I've travelled to the Mayo clinic. Anyway, she has really been through it in her life, had radiation as a teen for cancer which turned out to be cat scratch fever instead, and b/c of that radiation, she has had many additional problems including breast cancer and heart/valve issues. She had her aortic valve replace about 10 years ago and currently needs both her mitral and tricuspid valves replaced.

I'm not really clear yet on what is going on with her. I called her almost two weeks ago and she was in the hospital with a bladder and kidney infection, I think. At the time, she told me that her bladder had quit functioning after antibiotic treatment, but they really weren't sure what was going on. I called back today, fully expecting her to be home and feeling better. Instead, she answered her phone and it was obvious she was very ill. She is still in the hospital and just told me that she was really, really sick. She said she would have her sister call me back later to let me know what was going on. Honestly, I'm really afraid for her. She has not had a great start to this year and has been in and out of the hospital for several things already. Please keep her in your prayers/thoughts. I'll let you know what I find out.

Sending my prayers & well wishes to your friend & VR member Kimmie. She sounds really ill and I pray that they can find the source of her sickness and get her the proper treatment pronto!

I hope that you have better news to report to us later.
Thanks for letting us know. She has my prayers. i hope they figure out what is going on and really help her not only get home, but stay home for a long time.
Certainly will be in mine. I haven't talked with her in a long long time. Please keep me/us posted.
I just talked to Hiafa's sister. She has now been in the hospital for 5 weeks or so. Her bladder is still not functioning and her urine is full of blood. She has been experiencing this terrible pain with some numbness under her breast and around her whole trunk. Since she has a pacer, she can't have an MRI. So they have done several other tests that basically show some kind of blockage on her upper spine. They don't know if it is a tumor of some kind and her sister said the Dr.'s are stumped and are talking about possibly moving her to the Mayo. Hiafa wanted me to ask if any of the other radiation survivors who are on here have had any issues in their upper spine with tumors/cancer. I'll post that question in another thread. Anyway, please keep her in your thoughts.
I had radiation for breast cancer about seven years ago. I have so many aches and pains it's hard to tell what is causing it. I have CML so the inner core of my bones hurt all the time. I will put her at the top of my prayer list righ now.