Thanks for checking in Nancy. Just laying low. Yesterday I got out shopping!!! Yippee! The past couple of days have been sunny and warm here - perfect for getting away from the 'puter. Hope your weekend has been equally splendid!
I'm not pestering you for a reason Melissa. I'm sure when you feel 100% you'll be putting me to shame once again. Like I said before, I really miss it and you. Please speak up if your not feeling well. You hold alot in too.
Ross, I seriously think they yanked my "Give Ross a hard time gene" during surgery. . . Darn it! I'll have to work on getting a new one implanted. The last one was too much fun.
Shopping was great - got some new bubble bath. I LOVE taking bubble baths and finally figured out a way to take one without soaking the scars. My back is rejoicing!!
Hopefully, insurance folk will call today with the referral to the cardiologist. . .it feels like that craziness is almost finished.
Another sunny day here - time for a nice, leisurely walk!
Mother hen here...who helps you get up out of the bathtub Rinse you will not fall. Bathrooms are dangerous. Got up to potty last night..commode has become loose and slipped to my left. Almost hit head on sliding shower was not closed. Outside towel rack was right there. Father-in-law died 3 months after falling at retirement home and hitting his head on a metal handicap handle on door. Good time to tell our Northern members. winter is coming soon. Be careful of slick steps, walks, ect. Bonnie
We've got one of those seats too. You sit down and the thing shifts about an inch....just enough to keep you on edge. Maybe tomorrow I'll remember to tighten it up. We ought to have one of those banners that posts how many accident free days we have.
Be careful Bonnie, we don't want you to be a casualty......and if you have to be try to make it more glamourous
Bonnie -
Thanks for the laugh! I am glad you were not seriously hurt. Bathrooms are dangerous places, for sure. I help myself in and out of baths. . .have figured out a way to finagle it. . .but do have images of slipping and konking my head or something. Be careful everyone!! Maybe in his free time, Ross can figure out a good helmet design??