I still have lots more reading to do of the 678 pages, but the conclusion of what I've read so far is, This bill is not going to help anyone but the HMO's, Pharmaceutical Companies and Politicians. I see where people are going to be forced into HMO's in order to have drug coverage. I see many spots where there will be payout freezes for years while costs continue to rise, I see trouble all the way around.
I don't know about most people, but I'm already in a Medicare plus choice HMO. This is not new by any means, but it's being made to sound like it is. More and more things are becoming out of pocket pays. When you have a garbage benefit amount to start with, the last thing you need to do is be paying more for less. Sorry, but this bill is going to hurt many more then it's ever going to help.
I do not want this to turn into a political debate. It's not. All I'm saying is that what the Democratic view as posted says, is very much what I'm reading in this 678 pages of legislature. I can very well see where this could be the dismantling of Medicare as it is today and handed over to the private sector.