Medicalert bracelet?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hey, all--
Any of you have a Medicalert bracelet? I'm thinking about registering now that I'm on Coumadin.

Share your thoughts!
I had purchased a medic alert bracelet from a website called (I think this is the name but just google it to be sure) and they are really very attractive. The only problem w medic alerts is when a change occurs that needs to be on the bracelet. I always have my cell phone w me so I have listed in my contacts ICE/in case of emergency and I have listed all medical conditions/meds/dr's names and numbers. I update the info when needed and hardly wear my bracelet anymore. My neighbor is an EMT and told me they look in the contacts on your cell phone for ICE.
Debi, it is a VERY good idea to have a medical ID bracelet/necklace while you are on Coumadin. If you are in an
accident it could help medics assess any bleeding issues very quickly.

My own bracelet says----Anticoagulated----Mechanical aortic valve
There is extra space on the tag in case I need to add more stuff over the years, and I just renewed the
service today and verified that my info is all current.
I also know that in case of emergency my husband's mind will go more blank than usual (!) so I prefer if medics
call the hotline for my info. ;)
It was recommended to me by my cardio and my pcp that I consider a bracelet but I break watches and jewelry when I wear them, and I can't where them when I am working anyway. (It is asking for trouble to wear bracelets etc. while working with machinery.) My solution was a small tattoo on my left wrist with the medic alert symbol and "warfarin" on the inverse. I could have written anti-coagulated but warfarin looked better. I figure any EMT should be able to figure that out. I also carry a wallet card provided by the valve maker and that to may not be as good as having all the info on the medic alert system but it does have the hospital and pcp phone numbers and they have all my records.
Not for everyone but it was the best solution for me.

edit: The answer to the first question that most people will have of this post is that I will just add info if necessary, or change it. Tattoos are only MOSTLY permanent!
I am intrigued by the ICE function and how it works.
How does anyone access the phone when it is locked?
Doesn't anyone have the automatic keyboard lock function activated on their mobile that requires a PIN before accessing any function other than answering a call if the phone has been inactive for a few minutes.
I've had a medical alert bracelet for a couple years now... after I was put on ACT, I was able to add the warfarin info on it by myself because I have an engraver. It's not super pretty, but it will work.
If you get a TRUE Medic Alert* Bracelent or Necklace, it will have a contact number for their headquarters where your Medical Record is maintained including a list of your medical maladies, surgeries / procedures, and Medications. You can also list a small number of contacts including Doctors and Family Members. You can update this list at ANY time at NO Cost (after paying a modest annual fee of $30/yr or $75/3yrs).

Medic Alert Foundation
2323 Colorado Avenue
Turlock, CA 95382

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.medicalert.ort

'AL Capshaw'

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