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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I picked up a form at Cardio visit this week. Mine has been on my arm for 3 years. Never off :D They have bracelets..from stainless steel 21.95..Sterling silver.$39.95.10k gold filled $49.99..10k gold $189.95..14 K$229.95..also, necklaces and gold medallions....Best if you want one check says name, telephone # and takes coumadin...Bonnie
Hey Bonnie,
My Surgeon sent me one and that is where it came from. It has my name, Heart Patient, Aortic Valve Replacement, Taking Coumadin.
It was the stainless steel and I ordered a Sterling Silver one also.
Take Care


I have the$49.95......GREAT clasp..Has never fell off. I have lost MANY bracelets...over the years when the clasps have come loose :eek: :eek: Expensive ones :eek: :eek: I am going to order another one with Hubby's Mobile phone #.....I live in a small county and most people know me....but, Hubby is allowing me to drive alone to daughter's home in another county...If I promise him..I will have my mobile with me and he has his. :D I think just that it says..Taking coumadin is the most important thing :) Again..I have to say..bracelet is NEVER off my left arm...Showers, swimming, ect...So light weight..never know it's there. :) Bonnie
Chloe has a stainless steel bracelet from 'Medicalert'. It's excellent and she NEVER takes it off - it has her condition and WARFARIN in big letters and a phone number that goes through to medic alert where doctors or whoever else needs to, can access her full medical information.

MedicAlert Wallet Card and Bracelet example

MedicAlert Wallet Card and Bracelet example

Hi, to add to this thread I thought front and back scans of a sample MedicAlert Bracelet and Wallet Card would be useful. If the Wallet Card is found (mine is at the front of my wallet) it can hopefully save time otherwise involved in phoning for info. As you can see, it contains considerably more info than the bracelet (I went for the somewhat functional stainless steel). I've blanked out our personal details.

Wallet card

Wallet card

I have a medical alert sticker on the back of my driver's license which alerts emergency personnel to check my wallet for a card which includes a sample 'pocket EKG'. Haven't had that EKG updated in awhile thought. Maybe I ought to do that.
I had just been doing some research on Medical Alert Bracelets on this site earlier this week. My mom has been hounding me to get one.
I got mine from

These bracelets are a little more stylish than others I have seen (and a little more expensive too), but I thought if I got one I really liked then I would wear it every day.
There's a new thing in the UK called ICE - the idea is you store your "In Case of Emergency" number in your mobile (cell) phone under "ICE" so that emergency personnel will know who to call. Handy as an extra to the Medic Alert info.


You's a Tattoo :D :D Peggy.. My this..Most Women travel in a, ect..What if there is an accident and all the Pocketbooks are scattered all over.(Saying..there is more than 1 woman in the car..Men keep their wallets in their back pockets.... Driver License pictures are not that good. :p ..Glad to see this thread bumped back up...Bracelet on arm is still there..after over 3 years.. :D NEVER take it off..Just came in from swimming..ect..Bonnie

I see your point. A bracelet is the way to go. I haven't had surgery yet, so I really don't think I need to wear one at this point. But lots of trips to pick up my daughter, or go hiking or run an errand, I'll hop in the car with my driver's license only and leave my purse behind, just grab cash for the gallon of milk, etc. So, the pocket EKG isn't with me.

Stuff to think about.
I have an experimental medicalert forehead patch, but the velcro keeps falling off. They're thinking of staples for the beta model...

Seriously, if you're taking anticoagulants you should heavily consider something to warn medical professionals about your clotting situation, should you wind up injured someday and unable to speak.

Best wishes,
I like the medicalert ones because they can have so much more info on the computer when the medical people call, Justin actually used his when he broke his arm skateboarding and the ambulance started asking him questions.
medic alert actually is starting a program where you can have all your medical records downloaded on a flash port (i think that's what their called) key that you put on your keychain and if you go to the er the can just down load all your info. it's pretty interesting. Lyn
I was looking at MedicAlert...I am going to be having my valve replaced next month and will be taking coumidin..I was kinda thinking that would be a really good thing to have...I mean most of my friends and family wouldnt even know what to say to the paramedics...and what happens if your not able to communicate? Then they could just look at your necklace/ do you guys all recommend it? Thanks for the front and back pictures! I didnt realize how much info was actually on the back of those things!
You should absolutely have some kind of alert. Mine says Mechanical Heart Valve Replacement, on Anticoagulants. It also has my name, address & phone. Mine is just a generic one - ordered it from a drugstore. I would have liked to go with Medic Alert but I was afraid I'd forget to pay the annual fee :D

When I met the coumadin clinic nurse the very first thing she asked me was if I had a bracelet or necklace.

I wear a necklass except when sleeping and swimming. Wear a bracelet when swimming. Earlier this week a lifeguard at the pool asked me about the bracelet. After I told him about the valve and the anticoagulant, I had to reassure him that I'm not all that fragile.

I like the "ICE" idea in the cellphone and also the sticker on the back of the driver's license. I also have my own "Emergency" laminated card in my wallet. You can clearly see it when you open the wallet.

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