Medic Alert Braclets

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
New York, NY
Was thinking it might be a good idea to have a medic alert braclet. i have MVP with regurg. In case something happens I do not want to be treated for a heart attack when one of the cords may have snapped. I live in NYC and only have large chain drug stores in my area and they do not carry them. Do you know where they can be purchased. Thank You
I wore one for a while, basicly to give a heads-up to the paramedics that I'm on Coumadin when they find me unconsious in a woman's bed, having been shot by a jealous husband. After a couple of months a link broke and I never bothered to get it fixed.

They indeed are ugly, and I'm not even into pretty jewlery.

I was thinking of maybe getting one that could be worn as a necklace.

Do paramedics really check for these things?

Would it be enough to keep the info in your wallet?
If you are taking Coumadin, it is highly recommended that you wear some type of medic alert. They may be ugly, but if they are disguised too well, then emergency people won't notice them. I have model A489 with Rhodium finish. It is very slim. I have small wrists and skinny hands and it doesn't look out of place. This picture is quite a bit larger than my actual bracelett.
I am a firefighter too and every EMT I've ever witnessed first checked an unconscious person to find a bracelet to determine treatment. I had one tell me that the bracelet (the bigger the better) is better than a necklace because the necklace can sometimes be overlooked or come off during a violent auto wreck.

I don't have mine yet (for my AICD) but as soon as I find my "round tuit" I'll order one.

May God Bless,

fyrfytr said:
I was a Firefighter/EMT for 24 years and I can tell you that our dept. checked for them all the time....

Do they consistently check for necklaces? Bracelets are obviously, well, more obvious, but I've never liked wearing them.
gadgetman said:
I am a firefighter too and every EMT I've ever witnessed first checked an unconscious person to find a bracelet to determine treatment. I had one tell me that the bracelet (the bigger the better) is better than a necklace because the necklace can sometimes be overlooked or come off during a violent auto wreck...


I don't like bracelets.

Maybe I'll get a facial tattoo or an especially weird body piercing...
Barry said:

I don't like bracelets.

Maybe I'll get a facial tattoo or an especially weird body piercing...

One right in the middle of your forehead would work real well, unless you forgot to use your seatbelt and tried to go through the windshield :eek: . Might I suggest multicolor :) .

May God Bless,

Hey Harmony,

I was searching the net for medical bracelets because I may have to get one. I stumbled across this site and found these...they're an option if you don't want the regular old ones.