Medic-Alert bracelet stolen!!

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catwoman Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
A thief sneaked into my bathroom while I was getting ready for work this morning and stole my Medic-Alert bracelet. Looks like a watch, so I thought perhaps the thief mistook it for a Rolex...

I had put my bracelet and wedding ring on the vanity, as usual, before showering. After getting dressed, I went to the vanity, put my ring on and -- :eek: -- no bracelet. Looked in my vanity drawers -- no bracelet. OK, maybe I had absent-mindedly put it on the bed when I put on my shoes. Nope. Looked in my closet. Nada.

I needed to leave the house PDQ and considered going sans bracelet. I feel nekkid :D without my bracelet. It's helped me avoid car accidents, bleeding to death from a hangnail, you name it -- it's done its job in the 5+ years I've had it. One day without it wouldn't hurt, I decided.

But first I took another look around and checked the cat bed Diane Sawyer, one of our Norwegian Forest Cats, sleeps in. There, in the middle, was my bracelet.

Darned thief!!!!!!

Glad I hadn't taken off any diamond earrings and put them on the vanity. Diane might have mistaken them for the large chow bits that she plays soccer with. Or worse, eaten them so I could cough up at least a thousand buckeroos for emergency surgery.

Suggestion: Don't leave your medical braclet, necklace or whatever around pets!
I totally understand! Our Lab, Abby, loves to steal things...socks, underwear, etc. You name it, she wants it. The last thing she tried to eat was one of my vacuum cleaner attachments! And this is an almost 6 year old dog...not a puppy. Of course, Labs are very mouthy and like to have things sticking out of their mouths at all times!:D Everytime I leave the house, I do a walk-through and try to get everything and anything out of her reach. She's pretty good at counter surfing while we're gone also. Nothing's safe! LINDA
Oh geeeez those lovely pets of ours.
I recall when my brother was ill before he passed away due to heartattack and stroke,he found one night his bottom dentures were bugging him.......well
Long story short (give the dog a bone):eek::p:D

They are sneeky but we luv em anyway!!!!!

zipper2 (DEB)
A kleptomaniac cat! ROFL!

I have a dog who is obsessed with my slippers - just liked to take them into her bed and cuddle them.
Oh geeeez those lovely pets of ours.
I recall when my brother was ill before he passed away due to heartattack and stroke,he found one night his bottom dentures were bugging him.......well
Long story short (give the dog a bone):eek::p:D
UGH!!!!!!!!!! I seem to remember that my family's dog chewed one end of the rubber mouthpiece I had to wear at night while bridging between braces and retainers.........

Today drove home how much I depend on my Medic-Alert bracelet... I know that most people never have to reap the benefits of one, but still...
Daily Newspaper Headline: Catburglar strikes the home of Catwoman. :)

I'm glad it all worked out. What a naughty kitty.

I've done my share of sifting through Labrador dog droppings looking for swallowed objects, luckily not everything is swallowed before being discovered.

My father hasn't been so lucky. His German Shepherd Dogs have eaten everything from the TV remote control, prescription eyeglasses, and a butcher knife. They learned to become very tall and with a long reach for counter surfing.

Imagine my horror when I was dog sitting his beast and I enter his house to find the protective knife cover on the floor without the knife. I figured the dog had gone off to bleed to death somewhere. Nope. The knife was laying on the kitchen floor with the handle chewed and the blade intact. No blood anywhere. GSDs are not stupid, if they are gonna steal something dangerous, they will be careful. :)
Marsha, Can't even trust the animals anymore!!! :D
My dog eats everything in site. So I would probally now where to find my medical braclet if it disappeared. :eek:
Glad you found your bracelet Marsha. Dang that Diane Sawyer.....shouldn't she be working on documentaries & such....:p

Your story reminded me of the story a dear friend of ours told us.....the gentleman is around 80 years old & very hard of hearing.

He said one morning he looked & looked for his hearing aide but couldn't find it. He looked everywhere he could possibly look but nothing. Then he went outside & he saw something rather strange in his dog's poop......yep, you guess it, his hearing aide! :eek: Of course, it was totally trashed so he had to get another one!
Lyn saves her hair from her brush in her drawer. Sam, my cat, opens the drawer and steals those hairballs. First of all, I don't know why Lyn saves them and darned if I know why Sam plays with them.
I know that birds will pick up anything shiny. Earrings, bracelets and even diamond rings that had been lost, have been found in some bird nests.

I think dogs and cats love anything that has your scent. It comforts them.

I know that whenever Joe was hospitalized, his little dog Boggs was devastated. I learned that if I brought a pair of socks for Joe to wear while I was visiting him, I could give them to Boggs and he was a happy little guy.
I know that birds will pick up anything shiny. Earrings, bracelets and even diamond rings that had been lost, have been found in some bird nests.

I think dogs and cats love anything that has your scent. It comforts them.

I know that whenever Joe was hospitalized, his little dog Boggs was devastated. I learned that if I brought a pair of socks for Joe to wear while I was visiting him, I could give them to Boggs and he was a happy little guy.

When we went to Houston a week or so ago, I left my favorite sandals on the bedroom floor for Molly (our cat) so that she could snuggle to them & not feel so alone. I also left my old gardening shoes outside for Petrie (my dog) so he'd feel comforted too. My sis-in-law, who came & looked in at them, said they were very sad though. :(
Never trust a cat. I mean just look at their eyes & you know they are up to something. Then they start licking themselves to distract you. It's all a game & the cat owners, they are the pawns!

But first I took another look around and checked the cat bed Diane Sawyer, one of our Norwegian Forest Cats, sleeps in. There, in the middle, was my bracelet.

Darned thief!!!!!!!

I love that your cat is named Diane Sawyer :D

When I had a cat (Snoop) we'd come home and find all the bathroom garbages knocked over and she'd have been rooting through them looking for Q-Tips. She went crazy over the things. We used them to lure her into her kennel, out from under the bed...I've never seen anything like it. Cats are weird, but gotta love 'em.

Glad this mystery has been solved!
Oh the games our beloved furry friends love to play with us :). I don't think any of us would have any other way. They are just showing us how smart they can be at times. It also just like having another child around the house.

Within the first month of her arrival, our new dog (WinnDixie), chewed up a pajama top shirt (my wife's) and got her leg caught in her blanket after she chewed a hole in it. It was so tight it cut off circulation to her leg. The vets worked an hour to get it back. They almost had to cut of her leg. The vet bill was $157.00 She also chewed up my son's $250.00 retainer and at least three leashes. Some cheap mutt she turned out be :):):). Oh well, she is still a sweetie.

In my years, I've had several cats, and only one that ever caused mischief like that. Normally, this cat never did anything bad, but I made a quiche one day, then a friend called and I went out for a while. When I got home, there on the countertop was a nice, clean pastry shell - you guessed, it was a SHRIMP quiche ! I could only blame myself, that was just too tempting for any cat to ignore.

I know that whenever Joe was hospitalized, his little dog Boggs was devastated. I learned that if I brought a pair of socks for Joe to wear while I was visiting him, I could give them to Boggs and he was a happy little guy.

I had a terrible time with our older two dogs the first night that Peter was in hospital. They did nothing but pad around all night.

A friend suggested I put down some of his old clothing so I grabbed a pair of his work sweats and a musty T-shirt out of the laundry basket and put it down for them and that solved the problem.

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