It appears that the biggest concern about selecting a tissue valve is the possibility of a second surgery. I have had both open heart valve replacement and open rotator cuff surgery and I can tell you that the rotator cuff surgery was much much worse in terms of pain and recovery. Most of what you hear on this site is a lot of "Blue Sky". Most of the posters hear that advocate for mechanical are not trying to convince you to go mechanical but are trying to convince themselves that they made the right decision. My advice to you if you decide on tissue it to stay in shape, join a gym, eat right, don't smoke, and keep your weight down. Good advice for anybody.
I had gallbladder removed in 2009 and that recovery was more annoying. But in the end every surgery has risk, as does taking warfarin. One has to weigh the risks associated with each. To me mechanical valves had a long well documented history with the risks. Tissue is still and evolving and improving path. Who knows how long the tissue valve will last, some have them degrade quickly, other last 15+ years. To me the thought of any addiotnal surgery at 70+ yeas old increases risk, even TAVR. I have nothing against anyone that went tissue, but can say mechanical has had zero impact on my life other than bridging warfarin at times and that is not a big deal. My advice to anyone regardless of which valve is stay in shape, eat well, exercise, etc.