Mechanical valve and your heart

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Hi guys - I was wondering if the fact that a mechanical valve is a rigid structure affects the shape or condition of your heart over time. I mean it does not allow for a "free" movement like a natural valve or a stentless valve would, right? Do you have any input on this?

Also, dose the fact that i will have a dracon graft to fix an ascending aortic aneurysm changes my considerations for a mech. valve or bio? If I wanted to go moo or oink, is it harder to change in 10 to 15 years when you have the dracon graft?

Thank you in advance for your help guys! If you need clarification please let me know - Excuse my english :eek:

The heart doesn't seem to suffer from a mechanical valve. Although there is logic to your thought, the basic structure of the heart isn't really all that flexible.

Some people do choose tissue valves, and they work acceptably. Any of the valves can be mated to the velour graft, although tissue valves have to be mated to the dacron at the time of surgery. They probably won't want to use a stentless valve in that situation, though.

Most of the time, a mechanical is suggested, because the graft-and-valve can be purchased as a single unit, factory produced, which is faster to implant, and doesn't pose a risk of leaks. It also cuts down the number of future surgeries. The area is more complicated to work in after part of the aorta is replaced.

Best wishes,
Thank you tobagotwo for sharing - I had no idea the mech. valve and dracon graft come together as a single unit.

I have another question! How likely is for a surgeon to put in a valve of my choice (ON-X) if the hospital does not carry it? How should I got about it? My operation is on July 28th, and I'm planning on talking to the surgeon about it next Monday.

Thank you,

Yes, I'm the proud owner of a St. Jude CAVG-404.


If you need a graft, I don't think ON-X can be done. My surgeon wanted to use the ON-X valve, but had to settle for the thing above because of no grafting sleeve attached.