MC decision....

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Some of you may know (or remember) that, a couple of months ago, I had a decision to make. That decision has finally been made...for about a week or so.

Story refresh:
Back in 2001 (when Gram was still alive), I discovered that one of her best friends from high school, Ruby, had a '79 MC. Long story short ... Gram told me to tell Ruby about my collection and that I'd be interested in her '79 if she ever decided to sell it. I did.

When the time came for her to sell it about 4 years ago, I didn't have the money ... and her grandson and great grandson "wanted" it, to keep it in the family.... Ruby didn't want her great grandson to have it; she wanted ME to have it. Anyway, right before she died (about 3 years ago) I saw her, and she reiterated that she wished her grandson and great grandson had not wanted it because, as far as she knew, they weren't using it or driving it much.....

Fast forward to earlier this year ... Doug, Ruby's grandson, called me to say that his son, Ruby's great grandson, does not want the car anymore...and that they want me to buy it.

After many Emails back'n'forth about the condition of the car and additional pictures, I have decided to buy it. Trouble NOW is that the car is in Arkansas, and the weekends I am available in the next few months, they are not...and vice versa. So, it may be a while until it actually is OFFICIAL, but they know I will buy it. Course, I suppose I'm jinxing myself here, but I'm taking that chance....

Since I will have to save more money (tough to do with medical and other bills), this decision means a few things will have to wait a while longer, including...

* a 1987 Monte Carlo SS (Aerocoupe, perhaps?)

* a 1975 Caprice Classic convertible

* my own home with a huge garage....

However, I'm still in the market for a winter beater...'86-'88 MC LS, '87 Cutlass Supreme, '77-'79 Caprice Classic, or '89-'90 Caprice 9C1...particularly because I saw a bit more rust on my '87 Monte Carlo LS when I washed, waxed and cleaned the interior this past Saturday, June 14....

Some pictures of what may/will soon be a new addition to my Monte Carlo family:

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Let's don't let a good thing die" ... Elvis Presley ... 'Suspicious Minds'
I don't know a lot (nothing) about classic cars but this has been a topic with my brother and I lately. He has a Dodge Challenger that our oldest brother passed down to's in the mid 1970's....can't remember the actual year. Our less responsible brother :) is driving the car right now, much to my brother's unhappiness. Our brother is prone to not taking care of cars. I was watching the program about muscle cars and they had a 70's Challenger on there and talked about what it is worth. :eek: I called Ben and told him he had to take that car away from our brother.

I hope everything works out with you getting this car! I know how much these cars can mean in emotional, not just monetary, value.

That's my 12 yr old daughter, Lynsey, and I at this year's St Patty's Day parade in Dallas. The picture was so goofy I couldn't resist putting it as my avatar! :)
Cort, you know what I am going to say.....ENJOY.

I don't know a lot (nothing) about classic cars but this has been a topic with my brother and I lately. He has a Dodge Challenger that our oldest brother passed down to's in the mid 1970's....can't remember the actual year. Our less responsible brother :) is driving the car right now, much to my brother's unhappiness. Our brother is prone to not taking care of cars. I was watching the program about muscle cars and they had a 70's Challenger on there and talked about what it is worth. :eek: I called Ben and told him he had to take that car away from our brother.

Eeegads, yes. Get that car away from him! Heh...a friend of mine, long since gone now, bought a '79 MC for his then wife. They divorced...and she literally trashed it. He wasn't happy. Luckily, I didn't know him then (I got to know him years later when he had a red '77 MC).

I hope everything works out with you getting this car! I know how much these cars can mean in emotional, not just monetary, value.



Thank you! For me, it is more emotional than monetary. I know people who are in the "car business" to build them up and sell 'em. Not me! I buy 'em and keep 'em...unless they are wimpy FWD cars, such as the former 1997 Corsica/"malibu" and 2000 Celebrity/Lumina/"monte carlo" I used to own...he heh.

Beautiful car! I hope you can get it soon because the older it gets, the higher the price. Congratulations.....

Thank you, Ann!

And, actually, nope...the price is set...and it is lower than they were going to sell it for ;).

Cort, you know what I am going to say.....ENJOY.



Thank ya, darlin'. is a gorgeous '79 MC!

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Stones thrown in anger hold twice the hurt" ... Richard Marx ... 'Chains Around My Heart'

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