Masonry painting anyone?

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
I wonder if we have any house painters as members. I have a wall which needs to be painted, it is in a bad way with some algae etc, it hasn't been painted in over 17 years.

The wall is approximately seven feet, six inches high and perhaps 90 feet in total length. It is slightly texture horizontally. There is some trellis-work attached in a couple of areas with plants, there is also an oil tank to paint behind.

As far as I can tell, it is going to require a fungicide treatment, then power washing, then finally painting with white masonry paint which I undertand cannot be sprayed (and spraying would cause new problems).

What I need to know is roughly the time that such a task would take a professional painter. Then I will be able to calculate the expected cost.

I have no one who could do this for me so it will have to be a tradesman. So, if anyone is experienced in this field then I would love to know how long it might take. Oh, and what happens to my plants, will they be trampled under foot? :(

Sue, I have painted interior basement walls on several occasions, but for this you would do well to contact Tom Sawyer who can get the job done for you.
I once knew a housepainter who said nobody should put plants within 2 ft of any wall so that painting can be properly done.

I see you live near/on water. The algae has to be coming from moisture. We had a problem because of tall oaks and no sun getting to our wall. When we cut the tree down, the sun has not allowed any more mildew/algae to grow there.

We also have a ground cover vine that wants to crawl up the wall by attaching itself to the masonry. Daughter zapped it with some of that stuff that kills greenery and it all died. O/W we might have an Irish vine covered cabin.
Sue, I have no experience painting masonry, but a little experience with painting and algae. I do know that one can buy an additive to put into the paint that will prevent the algae from re-growing (an algaecide). I believe the additive is largely made of, on the same note, you might check into applying a strip of copper to that wood on top of your wall--I've been told that copper flashing on the peak of a roof will keep moss from growing anywhere downstream (below) of the copper. Also, when I had my deck stained a couple of years ago, the guys who did it put a small amount of bleach in the water with which they powerwashed prior to staining to kill any algae. They covered the bushes and plants below with plastic and they all did fine (no trampling though). BTW, I kind of like the way the wall looks...why not just add a few vines and call it done?:D
When you live on an island of just 45 square miles you cannot get away from moist air. That is not wood on top of the wall, they are concrete slabs and the walls are party walls so I cannot put anything on the tops which would encraoch on my neighbour's side of the wall. My garden is not large so to not plant up to the wall would really reduce the size.

Tackling it myself isn't going to be an option, I would be exhausted in minutes, my left shoulder is already damaged, I dare not damage my right shoulder too.

Thanks anyway, I guess it will have to be a case of fingers crossed that it doesn't cost too much but with labour charges the way they are here, I won't hold my breath. :(
Sue, The artist in me rather likes the old and textured look of the wall. How about doing something with a textured effect, like painting it with a sea sponge in a two tone effect, yoiu know, something like off white and a slightly darker off white, or even a white which has the same hue as the algae and a slightly darker version of the same. Nothing too far removed from each other, just something to add some interest. That way, when your algae comes back again, it will just look like a nicely weathered wall.

Plain stark white is so bland.:)

Here's a link for some interesting faux painting techniques.
It is hard to tell from that picture but you might find that you don't have to paint that wall. If you buy some big jugs of chlorine and spray it on the wall, let it soak for a while then rinse it off with water. The chlorine will eat through the algae and the wall will look alot better and might not need painting. I do this every year to one side of my house that does not get much sun.I always think I have to paint and then never do. Good Luck.
It does need painting, it hasn't been painted for at least 18 years! The whole point is that I cannot physically do this myself, I would need to be at least six inches taller to stand any chance and that is if I was physically much fitter. I am constantly SOB and a couple of minutes would have me feeling dreadful. Paying a professional is my only option regretably and opting for plain white will be the cheapest way of getting it done.


I agree with what Randy said..Even I can do it..:D We have a med sized pump 5 gallon.. Ours has the shoulder strap... I fill it with clorox and add a little water. Spray my sidewalks, wood railroad ties, I even have a concrete block with MY kids hands/footprints that I leave in the Garden thatI have to spray..anything that the sun doesn't hit.. I leave it on for maybe 30 minutes..then take the garden hose and wash it off..Also, birdbaths..(really make sure I rinse them good) they are made of concrete...Everything looks so good, afterwards...:D I would cover the plants, tho..with plastic....Cheaper than painting..:D Do you have a young male neighbor/friend that could help you?Bonnie


We were typing at the same time..had my hubby to come over and take a look. he is a jack of all trades. :D He said, yes, you will need someone to pressure wash it, take off all the old paint...probably a lot of scraping, get all old paint off........then repaint with the masonry paint.Bonnie
Sue, Could you talk to a local church group or even a boy scout type org? around here groups like that offer to help people with things like that, if the people can't do it them selves because of their age or medical problem,
No, we have no one like that. It has to be a professional or no one. It HAS to be repainted, nothing else will do the job, I have examined the surface.

I know exactly WHAT needs doing and how to do it, I just wanted to know if there was a professional painter here who could give me some idea as to how many hours it is likely to take a professional person. I do not want to start involving tradesmen in giving me quotes until I have a vague idea as to how many hours work we are talking about. Prior to having my stroke and OHS I would have tackled it myself, I have been meaning to for a few years, but now I am simply not able.
Hi Sue,

I will gladly come paint it for you, I will need four first class tickets, a hotel suite, spending money and supplies, other then that I will not charge anything:D :D

Sorry I can't refer anyone, hope you find someone that can help.

I own a construction company, and we do have one crew that does interior and exterior painting. The wall should first be power washed, with TSP added. (Trisodium Phosphate). Then the wall should be wire brushed. Painted with one coat of a sealer (like Kilz), and then the final coat of paint, with the additive. For this particular wall, I would expect it might take a crew three to four days (a crew of two men) to complete the work. As far as the plants are concerned, I think you should expect them to be careful, but you might loose a few of your plantings.

By the way, they should use masonry paint.
Thanks Mb, that is what I needed to know. I think I will leave it until Spring so it doesn't get manky again over the winter, then power wash it myself before calling in the painting crew. That ought to save me some money. It is the painting that I cannot do, the power washing isn't too bad, just messy.

Thanks again.
Two comments:

1. Don't forget to add the TSP. -

2. Power wash it JUST BEFORE the men arrive to wire brush. Make sure they use the additive. Get an extra brush yourself, and double check they've reached everywhere, and scrubbed HARD to get rid of ALL of the flakes, etc.

Good luck - Mb