Maize (sp?) Procedure??

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Can anyone tell me what the Maize (sp?) Procedure is?? My son in law was just told he needs to have his mitral valve repaired or replaced, doing a Maize??? He also is having an Ablation...

Thanks so much for any info.
I think it's "Maze" procedure. I kind of know what it is, but I also know we have several members who have had it done and I'll let them give the correct explanation. I think the Maze procedure is done because of a specific kind of chronic arrhythmia, but don't quote me on that. Ablation would also be to get rid of arrhythmia.

People with Mitral Valve disease do tend to be plagued more by arrhythmia than other valve diseases. I had really bad chronic arrhythmia prior to my replacement, but the replacement rid me of most of it.
Karlynn said:
I think it's "Maze" procedure. I kind of know what it is, but I also know we have several members who have had it done and I'll let them give the correct explanation. I think the Maze procedure is done because of a specific kind of chronic arrhythmia, but don't quote me on that. Ablation would also be to get rid of arrhythmia.

People with Mitral Valve disease do tend to be plagued more by arrhythmia than other valve diseases. I had really bad chronic arrhythmia prior to my replacement, but the replacement rid me of most of it.


I was spelling it wrong. Hmmmmmmmmmm I wonder if he was told it was either the Maze or an Ablation?? I will have to find out. My dd better go the next appointment. with a list of questions.

I know some kids/teens who have had an Ablation, so I know some info on that but am researching too.

Matt's arrhythmia's started after his valve replacements.... He just had a holter a couple of weeks ago, and the echo showed increased gradient across the mitral valve. He is going in for a cath in May. and yes, I am already stressed, yet he is not.
Ablation Maze Procedure

Ablation Maze Procedure

My husband, Bart, had the ablation maze procedure done when he had his first mitral valve replacement in August 2005. The procedure was just explained and shown on Good Morning America this past week. The procedure is 70 to 90% effective in eliminating or preventing Atrial Fibrillation. I'm sure there are more technical explanations available on the web, however, basically the surgeons use a laser to make "scars" which then prevent the impulses which lead to a-fib.

Unfortunately, Bart's mechanical valve had a peri-valvular leak which led to another valve replacement on February 14, 2006. He is currently in and out of a-fib but the doctors are pretty confident he will go back into synch soon.

Hope this helps....

Pat (Bart's wife)

Bart Smith
Four Bouts of Rheumatic Fever
Mitral Valve Replacements on 8/4/05 and 2/14/06
Ablation Maze Procedure on 8/4/05
Bart in Georgia said:
My husband, Bart, had the ablation maze procedure done when he had his first mitral valve replacement in August 2005. The procedure was just explained and shown on Good Morning America this past week. The procedure is 70 to 90% effective in eliminating or preventing Atrial Fibrillation. I'm sure there are more technical explanations available on the web, however, basically the surgeons use a laser to make "scars" which then prevent the impulses which lead to a-fib.

Unfortunately, Bart's mechanical valve had a peri-valvular leak which led to another valve replacement on February 14, 2006. He is currently in and out of a-fib but the doctors are pretty confident he will go back into synch soon.

Hope this helps....

Pat (Bart's wife)

Bart Smith
Four Bouts of Rheumatic Fever
Mitral Valve Replacements on 8/4/05 and 2/14/06
Ablation Maze Procedure on 8/4/05

I've wondered if Bart had his surgery, so I'm glad to hear he's through the ordeal. I know two replacements in seven months is a tough thing to undergo
maze myself

maze myself

Hi there and here is what I know about my maze procedure. The surgeon makes small incisions in the heart and when these incisions heal they create a maze like path (thats how it got its name) for the electrical current to now go through instead of the old path. Not sure how it originally went to begin with just learning more about myself. I found this site
and It's quite informative. Well It's not much but that's all I got:D
Mary said:
I've wondered if Bart had his surgery, so I'm glad to hear he's through the ordeal. I know two replacements in seven months is a tough thing to undergo
Thanks for your thoughts Mary....he's doing really well but this surgery (open chest) is so much more difficult to recup from than the other one (minimally invasive).
Thank you all so much! The update is, Mike will be having a Cyro Maze and mitral valve repair or replacement.

Did any of you get to choose which mechanical valve or is it best to let the DR choose? (with Matt, we weren't given a choice)