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The IV was the worst part. Third times the charm.

The good news is my coronary arteries are all clear. YEA! I'm still planning on a Ross, so that's good news that could have limited my options.

The unusual news is the my circumflex vien normally comming of the left coronary artery comes off my right coronary artery. I guess this only happens about 1 percent of the time. Along with my bicuspid valve, I sure feel special. :)

Thanks for asking. Three weeks from today for surgery. It will be here faster than I think I'm sure.

No blockage in arteries is very good news. cuts down some (no pun intended) on some of the surg stuff. Three weeks will pass faster than you think. When you need to talk we are here. Keep us posted. God bless
Great news, Chris. I assume you had this done at University Hospital? How was your experience there?

Good luck with the Seattle folk gotta stick together! ;)
Thanks Johnny,

Having to lay still for 6 hours was kind of a drag. I'm also in physical therapy for my shoulder/neck hurting, probably from lifting weights the last couple of months. So my neck got a bit sore the last couple of hours. Also see an orthopedic surgeon on Thursday for a non displaced fracture of my tibia plataeu and sprained ACL from skiing a few weeks ago. I'm just falling apart. My wife wants her money back. :)

Yes I had it done at UDUB. Everyone was really nice and very helpful. The actual procedure took much less time than the prep seemed to. Hoping the surgery goes equally smoothly.

You are from Seattle? I am the eastern counterpart... I actually live in northern Idaho but my surgery was performed in Spokane at Sacred Heart Medical Center.
Three weeks will pass by very quickly and I hope that your surgery is successful. The next day, after my surgery I was out of bed and walking few times a day, but I didn't have any problems with my knees (tibial plateua). Please ask your doctor about recovery with bad knees and the affect of blood thinners on them.

I am praying for you, good luck with your surgery.

Hi hensylee,

I read this forum daily but it seems that the regulars are answering all the questions without my help.

see you,

Jack said:
Hi hensylee,

I read this forum daily but it seems that the regulars are answering all the questions without my help.

see you,

Hey Jack, that doesn't mean that we don't need your input. ;)
Hi Zazzy,

A few weeks ago I was thinking of driving from Seattle to Boise for a woodworking show to take a class from a well known woodworker about cabinet construction. I thought "I could meet Zazzy" but I guess Boise is a bit south. My wife thought I was crazy to want to drive that much and I really couldn't disagree. But the class would have been fun and there are lots of shinny power tools at the show. I'm a power tool junkie. :)

Jack, thanks for your positive thoughts. My knee actually doesn't hurt much. Occasionally I'll get a short, sharp pain walking down stairs, but that's about it. I had actually gone skiing a couple of times and done a couple of lower body weight workouts after the fall that caused the fracture. I should be o.k. with walking as much as I need to. But at least when my wife ask's "is your leg broken" when I ask her to get me something, I can say "yes it is". :)
