Made the call! Surgery scheduled for June 2nd!

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Active member
Apr 14, 2008
Brunswick, Georgia
I wasnt easy, but I brought myself to make the call to my surgeon and set the date for sure. So its a done deal, on June the 2nd, 2008, I will journey where alot of you have already treaded,.....the OR. I am feeling all kinds of emotion right now,...trying to get a handle on them and put my best game face on as the clock starts ticking!!! Just wanted to update. Talk more soon. Billie Jo :)
I will put you on the calendar immediately. Now wipe that sorry smilie away and replace it with :) . It's rough, but it's nothing you can't handle. We are all walking the whole way with you through it, so there.
Congratulations on getting the date set, Billie Jo. Your friends here know the agony of waiting. If you have any questions, or just want to vent, they will be here for you any time. All best wishes....
Good for you billiejoe.
I'm afraid I don't know the agony of waiting, since my surgery was said and done in 7 days, but what do know that you should take this time to relax and be confident about your decision. All of us here know you did the right thing.

Listen to Ross and put a :) on your face.

We'll be here for you at any time.

Relax and Take Care
Billiejoe you are in my prayers! Now that you have finally made up your mind to have the surgery the only way to go is forward!!!!

Little by little if you're able to, try to get a little ahead of your house cleaning, cooking some dishes you can freeze & just warm up when you come home; whatever you can do to make things easier for you when you come home.

Best wishes to you & you will be in my prayers! :) You'll be just fine! :)
Congratulations on setting the date. Use the time to prepare but also spend some quality time for yourself. After June 2nd you'll be very busy with recovery. Best wishes and good luck.
Good that you have your date. The sooner you have the surgery, the sooner you will feel so much better and be able to enjoy summer. Timing is perfect for surgery now. As others have said, the waiting is the worst. You'll do fine. We're all here to help you along!
Today is my 6th month post-surgery anniversaryand it's so wonderful to have it behind me. The waiting is the worst part but you'll be so elated once it's over! Best wishes and keep positive. You'll do great.
Glad you have a date and hope that you become calmer and more confident with each passing day. We will be here to help you over the mountain.
We can be surgery buddies!

We can be surgery buddies!

I will hopefully be scheduling mine tomorrow when i meet with the surgeon again. I believe it will be June 10th, but will wait to confirm until tomorrow when i actually schedule it.
I have a feeling the time will fly. I work for a school district, and everywhere I look there are count downs until the last day, which means so much more to me than any of the teachers!
Best of luck to you! Do you have a plan for your kids during and after the big day? Daycare, friends house, grandmas? Just curious- we are still trying to figure that out.
Glad to hear your date is set. Its the best thing you could do for yourself and your family. As you have read the waiting is by far the worst part, hard for you to grasp that right now but you will understand very quicky after your procedure is complete. When you get into your hospital room you may feel beat up but the elation of knowing its behind you will drown out everything else.

Try your best not to worry, just know that there are plenty of folks here who have been through what your going through now and what your facing. You have lots of support. And more importantly know that you can do this, its not nearly as bad as what your thinking.
Emotional Rollercoaster

Emotional Rollercoaster

Yes, you're going to be on an emotional rollercoaster for awhile so hang in there. Stay busy and try to keep your brain focused on things other than your upcoming surgery. It'll be a rough ride at times, but you can do this and you'll be glad you did after it's over. As others have said, the waiting stuff is the hardest part.

Glad you set your date

Glad you set your date

EEWWWWWW so happy to hear you have decided on date.
Hang in there you will do fine!
Sixteen years ago my avr caused me anormous amounts of fear
mystery which noone could dispel all my fears not even my husband
and which i know he had many more of his own also. But all in all
even without the knowledge of this site i wish i'd had,it all went fine
for me and i guess what im saying is you have found this and there
is so much support:) here for you as you already are aware,i look at this site as one of natures fragile things like a snowflake and look at what they can do when they all stick together for everyone.:)
My prayers go out to you and all the best and keep using the site it alone will give back a thousand smiles and i promise you when you look back
at all of this you will smile too:) ....All the best

zipper2 said:
Sixteen years ago my avr caused me anormous amounts of fear
mystery which noone could dispel all my fears not even my husband
and which i know he had many more of his own also.

Hi Billie Jo,

Boy can I relate to what Zipper2 is saying here. My husband's date is 1 May, 8 days away and it has been quite the emotional roller coaster. I can normally "talk him down" or reassure him of anything and he isn't buying anything I have to say. I wish he would come to this website and read everyone else's posts. I really think that this website helped MY fears and I am sure learning all you can and hearing first hand experiences will help you out as well. Good luck to you and be good to yourself this next month.

Have a great day everyone!
Goodluck billiejo, hope you have lots of nice things to do to keep your mind off things for awhile all the best with surgery and recovery.
Billy Jo,

The date is set. Now the planning begins. Next trip to our daugher's we will have to try to get together. I'm sure we will be over there again before June.

Prayers and good thoughts are coming your way.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Hi Billie Jo,

To me the hardest part was making the decision and the wait.I recommend you fill your days doing things that make you and your family happy.The day of surgery will be the shortest day of your life afterwhich all you need to do is whatever it takes to recover.I am almost three months out and my wife still pampers me which I love. I barely remember the first few days in the hospital.

Talk with us whenever you feel the need.:)