Macall is going home today!!

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Good News Everybody! :D

For those of you that were following the story of Macall (the 10 yr old that was critically injured in the ski accident), the most wonderful news of all!! She's going home today. A lot sooner than any of the Doctors ever imagined. She was expected to be in the rehab hospital for another 3 mths. at least! They are saying that she is a true miracle and have no explanation of how she has made it through this so well. The Dr. told the parents that from the time she arrived at the hospital, via Flight for Life, until 2 days later, alls that they were doing was just trying to keep her alive! He admitted that he really had his doubts that first night that she would ever make it at all and now she's going home. She will be walking on her own in the front door!

I know that the Doctors can't explain it, but we all know that this miracle was the direct result of all of the answered prayers that were sent to Macall! Thank you all so much for all of the prayers and positive thoughts sent to Macall. Miracles are happening all around us!! ;)

~DeeDee~ :)
That is just wonderful news! Children never cease to amaze or surprise. She will continue to have my prayers.
That is so great.

Same sort of thing happened with my husband's niece's boyfriend a while back. He was injured in a motorcycle accident. First they weren't sure he'd ever wake up; then they thought he might have severe brain damage; then they were dubious he'd ever make it out of the nursing facility where he was rehabbing. Now he is fine & back at his construction job. And (hopefully) wearing his helmet when he rides his bike.
DeeDee you made my day with this great news. I love to hear of children being healed. Prayers were answered. :) :)
Look what good news Monday can bring! Isn't it just the best we could get today - tomorrow...... I recall the first post about her and now look. My heart is glad and light. Thank you for telling us.

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