Lurker checks in

Valve Replacement Forums

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d and d

I?m a newbie and chronic lurker here. My hubby goes in for MV repair/replacement on Aug 25. We found out he needed surgery about a month ago and we have been very worried and hopelessly distracted since then (I?m sure most of you have been there). I have been searching the message archives here for info. What a great site you have all created! So far I have found answers to all of our questions in your past posts.

I decided to register when some of the frequent contributors here worried about the number of guests lurking. This site is frequently referred to in the forums (where I found it), so I suspect you have a lot of people like me combing the past posts for any info to help them through this scary process.

I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful site and all the help you have unknowingly given us. Please keep us in your prayers as we approach the big day.
Welcome, D - Lurkers are always welcome. Information is what VR is all about. There's much to learn here and lurkers can learn just as much as members - they just can't reply unless they join, as you have. Glad to have you among us. :)

You will have questions as your husband's time grows nearer. Ask away and there will be many answers. We are over 1000 strong so you might get more than you want, tho.
I'm happy you joined and came in out of the shadows. There's no sense in going at this alone. The best thing about this forum, you may not like the answers you get, but they will be honest answers from people who've already been there and some of us, more then once.

I'm sure other questions will pop into your head as the time gets nearer. Ask away! :)

Your husband is scheduled for his valve surgery on my first valve surgery anniversary. It is date that I look forward to very much. Last year at this time I had so much uncertainty as to what they would find in surgery, how I would recover, and what my future would hold. Well, I can tell you the year has not been so bad after all.

Everyone has a few glitches along the way and unfortunately sometimes, though very very rarely, a patient just doesn't survive. It is a wonderful oppurtunity to do soul-searching. We are happy to have you here with us and would love to have your husband spend some here us as well. Encourage him to do so if you think it would be beneficial.
That's what we're here for!

That's what we're here for!

Welcome to our growing family EX LURKER. If you don't find your answers here you never will. Doctors don't always have all the answers to our questions and many times, just aren't too keen on sharing the ones they do. As well as that, they might be experts at performing surgeries, but they've never been there to know exactly how it feels, at least the majority of them. Anyway, I'm a 39 year old Brazilian who has been going through the same old thing since the age of ten and there's still more to come. You might have come across some of my posts spread all over this forum or my heart story so, sorry if I'm telling you things you already know. I've had three MVR(replacements) and there's a fourth one on its way some time in the future. So far, everything seems to be under control although the valve has slowly benn getting narrow and will need to be changed one of these days. I'm still able to lead a pretty normal life but as we say in Portuguese, I've seen this film before and I'm well aware of how it ends. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll be happy to be of help. Take care.

Débora from Brazil
D, if you can, take a vacation or do something special before the 25th, to get his mind off things. The waiting is an ordeal.

You can easily fill up the remaining time by assembling all the paraphernalia that we insist you need for the homecoming. If nothing else, you'll be prepared for a terrorist attack by the time you've stocked it all up. Or at least one really good, rainy weekend.

You're in wonderful company. Lurking is fine, but it's good to have such great people in the raft with you as you go down these rapids. I am immensely grateful for their patient, ofttimes wise, always supportive presence.

Best wishes,


Thank you all for your words of encouragement and advice. It's very helpful to hear this straight from those who have been there.

We are planning fun getaways every weekend up to the surgery :D, so that helps give us things to look forward to besides the surgery. We haven't quite finished the preparations, but the comfy recliner is in place.

Thanks again. It means a lot to me that you all take time out of your busy days to help us newbies.


:) Hi Al, in answer to your question, I live in Curitiba which's the capital city of the State of Paraná in the South of Brazil. I was born in Joinville though which's only a couple of hours drive from here. I had my first two surgeries in São Paulo because on those days that was the place where all the best doctors and technology were. If you get curious about anything else, just let me know and I'll happily answer. Bye for now and take care.

Débora from Curitiba, PR Brazil :)