Lung hernia discovered 9 weeks after surgery

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So 9 weeks after rapid recovery from mitral valve repair, I discover (after having had a bad cold with lots of coughing the past week) that above the right side chest incision, with each cough, I get a noticeable "inflation" and "deflation" in my chest--akin to a small balloon. It felt weird, no discomfort, but quite visible. Some googling revealed my home diagnosis--it appears to be a lung herniation, a result of an (obviously) imperfect healing of the rib cartilage. I have an appt with a secondary doc today and hopefully with the primary cardiosurgeon tomorrow. It appears that the only solution is (you guessed it) more surgery. yippee. Anyone else ever have this not unheard of but certainly infrequent post-op complication? (for what it's worth, I am 63, and very active athletically--road biking, gym and downhill skiing--and I am a little bit pissed off about this development). thanks for reading and perhaps commenting. jeffrey
To be honest, it's the first I've heard of such a thing. I've had a few lung surgeries and my cartlidge is messed up, but no herniation there. I have plenty of hernias everywhere else though.

After googling, your one of those lucky 300 reported cases of it, but that was up to 1996. Welcome to rare disorders.
Welcome to the forums!
Thanks for the several quick responses. I saw two docs today affiliated with the surgeon who seemed to not be worried. Hey, they said, we had to cut through the muscles in the rib region and they are weaker than before, and we don't think anything need be done. I may have been an alarmist. But, I have an appt with the actual surgeon in two weeks. more later. best to all.

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