Hi all, I know it's been awhile...things are winding down now and back on the computer again.. I have a question though.. I've been in range for over 2 years, up until just recently.. the last 2 tests (3 weeks apart) were 1.6 and yesterday was 1.3 - I figured out that since i changed my birth control from the pill to the Depo shot (due to bleeding from a fibroid which I haven't found a dr to do a procedure to remove yet) anyway, I figured that one less pill in the liver probably did the nose dive of my INR.. my question is what kind of symptoms (other then the major stroke) are there.. sometimes I get pin like pain that comes and goes at my finger tips everyone else in a while.. nothing to write home about, but didn't know if that was a sign of something more.. I do go to my eye dr for a twice a year exam to make sure I'm not having stroke issues (can spot trouble in the eyes) - sometimes I might be alittle more tired or sluggish - but when I'm in the higher norm range, those things do not happen.. too weird I guess.. but under 2 inr makes me a little nervous.. thanks