Low bp?

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Hi guys,
Im doing well, I hang around the site often but have little to offer at this point, the responses are so helpfull and knowledgeable from you guys,
Im close to seven months, my shortness of breath issue seems to be a thing of the past, Im running (if you can call what I do running, I had given up running and tennis about a year before surgery due to shortness of breath) 4 miles about 4 times a week the other days I do a little weight work, my chest is still a little sore but Im almost there. I still have a few bad days but I think thats from building up my workout a little to quickly and my body is saying slow down you dumb ..........
My question is this, has anyone ever experienced low bp and numbness in hands and feet when slept on or legs crossed ect, this has been happening alot to me lately so I called and left a message with my doc, no response yet.
My bp is around 105 over 59 and my heart rate is around 50 if I didnt have this ticker I would think that was pretty good, but maybe not for someone with a valve job
Wishing all of you smooth seas and the very best life has to offer
Yes I get both: I am 3 months post and my bp today was 92/66 and I still
get numbness in hands and feet occasionally,but not as much. I didnt tell
my cardio. about it since I had a list of other things to bug him about that day.I am also on metoprolol and the low bp can be an effect from that, but
not sure if we can blame the numbness on it too (?)
Have a Good Day:)
Dina if yours goes lower, you need to make a phone call. Other then that, we be normal with our low pressures. Weird I know, but normal. The numbness, speak up to your Doctors. That is not normal and should be looked into.
I am 6 1/2 weeks post-op (mitral valve repair). My BP is also low: ave 90/60 and my resting HR is fast: ave 125. My Cardio prescribed LANOXIN and that is suppose to bring my HR back to normal, but so far, no luck. HR is still running away.

I get daily episodes when my left arm goes numb, fingers needles and pins and at night both arms will go into needles and some times left foot too, and I don't even cross my legs. I sleep on my side.

Would looooooove to know why this is happening to us and how we can fix it...

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