lovenox timing

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2009
Wilton, CT
hi all. so ive been on lovenox since leaving the hospital, 60 mg every 12 hours. my inr was 1.8 on sat and today it was 1.5-im so bummed. i havent even eaten any greens...they told me to bump up to 7.5 from 5 coumadin which ill do tonight but imw ondering why they dont go up higher like 10 if ive been at 5 mg since wed and its going down....

also- can you vary the 12 hour time with lovenox say by half an hour earlier everynight so im not having to wake up at 2 am? its ugly.


I was doing the same thing,,waking in the night for shots. The nurse told me I could start moving it an hour at a time till I was on 6am and 6pm.
sorry ross, doyou mean coumadin does? it was 5 mg since last wednesday. but my inr was only 1.5 so they bumped it to 7.5 last night. im just thinking/worrying its not enough. my lovenox dose has been 60 mg. thanx meg
Were you on Coumadin before surgery or is this all new to you? One thing for sure, eat like you always have or it'll never get straightened around. This means veggies too! So long as you have Lovenox, don't worry about your INR. You should be able to stop the Lovenox in a couple more days. When are they going to test you again?