Pat Hicks
I had AVR November 2001. Since that time I have had two procedures, one heart procedure and a colonoscopy. Both times I had to get off Coumadin and give myself shots in the stomach before and after the procedures. The shots were Lovenox. Has anyone had any experience with this? I have to have a colonoscopy done every 2 years for biopsies and my gastroenterologist actually asked me this time to think about having my colon removed because it is difficult to stop bleeding in the colon. He meant that its a big possibility when he snips for the biopsies. This was a shocker to me since I have very little problems with my ulcerative colitis. It seemed so involved to get off the Coumadin, take the shots, have the procedure, go back on the shots and take Coumadin. Yuk. I guess I'm having a pity party. Anyone who help me out with information or whatever? Thanks.