Lost my job

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May 14, 2008
Well, after 11 years with the same company, I lost my job due to downsizing. The real kicker is I get no severance pay. Real nice.

I am really concerned about losing my medical, but hopefully the good Lord will help me find a job quickly and that will not be much of an issue.

I remember hearing something about health care portability some time back, but I don't know much about it. Does it waive your waiting period for pre existing conditions, and how all does it work?
I think you're eligible for what is called 'COBRA'
They continue the same type of coverage that you had but you
do have to pay for all of it.
I'm reaching back into the archives so it may have changed by now.

I'm sure someone here has all the updated info.
Lost my job

perrypiratesdad it's unfortunate that health insurance in the US appears to be dependent on a benevolent employer for most people. :( I must say I was made redundant over 2 years ago from my long term employer after many years of trying to manoeuvre myself in to such a position and it is the best thing that has happened to me. :) Severance pay and a weekend of unemployment before consulting at a far higher rate than my previous employer would have ever paid. :) Fortunately health insurance in Australia isn't reliant on a benevolent employer. :)
Take the Cobra if you can afford it. It's usually unaffordable for most people. Your current insurer is to issue you a certificate or statement saying that you've been covered with health insurance from start date to end date to present to your next insurer so that the preexiting clause is canceled out.
perrypiratesdad it's unfortunate that health insurance in the US appears to be dependent on a benevolent employer for most people. :( I must say I was made redundant over 2 years ago from my long term employer after many years of trying to manoeuvre myself in to such a position and it is the best thing that has happened to me. :) Severance pay and a weekend of unemployment before consulting at a far higher rate than my previous employer would have ever paid. :) Fortunately health insurance in Australia isn't reliant on a benevolent employer. :)

It really is pathetic here in the states. My wifes employers plan is absolutely worthless to us unless it's some type of catastrophe healthwise. She's pay $73.00 every 2 weeks on a policy with deductible of $1100 before the insurance pays anything and then they only pay 80% after that. We feel like were just throwing money away, but after the last lay off and her needing kidney surgery without any insurance and it nearly wiping us out completely, we learned the lesson the hard way. GOT TO HAVE INSURANCE.
I'm not sure about the details, but there are laws about continuing insurance for someone who has had continuous coverage. If your coverage lapsed, you could be denied coverage by a new company.

Call your employer and ask about getting on COBRA immediately and don't let it lapse. I think COBRA is good for 18 months.
Sorry to hear about your job. I know how that feels as I lost my job of over 21 years last October due to "re-structuring". However, I was lucky enough to get a good severance package. I don't know the laws in the US so can't comment on your severance or benefits. Best wishes and good luck. I hope you land a new, and better, job soon.
I'm not sure where you're located as that latitude/longitude thing is way over my head! There are federal laws, such as HIPAA, but there are also state laws, so it's different in different states, but from what I understand, it's important not to let your coverage lapse. In Texas, if it is a group plan and your employment status makes you eligible for the plan, they can't deny coverage or subject you to pre-existing conditions, as long as you have had continuous coverage prior to joining that plan. If you are part of the state high risk pool, this counts as continuous coverage. Continuous coverage means that you haven't had a breaks for 63 or more days in a row, so you can't actually go 2 months without insurance and still be eligible for coverage.

Check with your state's department of insurance.
The following link and description might be useful. In fact, it could be that lots of people on this site might need it from time to time.


"The Georgetown University Health Policy Institute has written A CONSUMER GUIDE FOR GETTING AND KEEPING HEALTH INSURANCE for each state and the District of Columbia ? fifty-one in all. These Consumer Guides are available at this web site and will be updated periodically as changes in federal and state policy warrant."



Sorry for your loss! Actually it may turn out to be your gain and your former employers loss! My husband and I both lost our jobs within the last year. Fortunately my son is CFO and CCO for a firm that has a full time insurance person. She explained COBRA to us. You are allowed to take COBRA if you have lost your job. You are responsible for paying the full premium however. It costs us an arm and a leg each month however if there is ever a lapse in our insurance coverage no one in the entire world would ever insure me again. So I strongly advise you to take the COBRA if you can afford it! You will need to get the paperwork from your "x-employer". You are allowed to stay on COBRA for 18 months.

Good luck on the job search! I will pray for you and your family!
I sympathize, and best of luck in the future. some people say it is the BEST thing that can happen to them. gives you a chance to re-evaluate your life, your goals and so on, maybe change careers to something that you LOVE to do . . .

Can't comment on the severance or insurance, we do things differently up here in Maple-leaf-land, but I can understand how tough that must be !
Thanks everyone on the COBRA info. Yes, I was aware of that, but I was hoping the new portability laws had something in them that waived a waiting period when you start your new job. The medical insurance on Cobra for my family is almost $1000 a month, and if I just cover myself is $410. I hate to sound greedy to my family, but I may just cover myself as I am the only one who has serious medical condition and who would have pre existing.

Really stupid question, and I hoped I would never have to ask this, but since I am unemployed, would I qualify for Medicaid and or Food Stamps? I have never been in this situation before and have always been the one helping others out. It feels horrible to be asking for help.
Most likely yes to food stamps, medicaid no. Not unless you have a baby present in the house. It really depends on how much money you have stashed in the bank, life insurance, stocks and bonds etc. Also, if your wife works or anyone else in the family, their income is counted also. Basically, you really have to be in the crapper to be eligible for help.

Hi tail your computer over to http://unemployment.ohio.gov/ and apply for unemployment if you haven't already. They do everything by computer now. There is a waiting period before your benefits begin so do this immediately to activate the waiting period.

Food Stamps Application http://www.odjfs.state.oh.us/forms/file.asp?id=53304

Sorry to hear you've lost your job.
I assume you have signed up for unemployment already.

John went through this about 24 years ago. He was a computer programmer and they dropped outside contracts, so they laid off about 4 of 6 programmers.
He had a teaching certificate, tried that & hated it (high school remedial math). So he went back to school to become a CPA and worked part-time for a community college system. He passed the CPA exam but was offered a full-time job with the college and took that. He had decided he preferred dealing with people over crunching numbers.
I carried John on my insurance. At the time, neither of us had any health issues.

I had a near-scare last month.
The corporation that owns my newspaper cut jobs by 10% last month, by eliminating positions and offering buyouts -- all within less than 12 days' time. I have the most seniority (30 years) in my work area, but we lost 2 of 6 positions (both losses were 2 of our 3 part-timers). With 18 years' service, my boss lost his job and he was the best manager I've ever had.
I began hyperventilating about health insurance.
At the time, John & I agreed that if worst comes to worst, I will go on his insurance, Blue Cross-Blue Shield Texas.

Sorry to hear of you getting trapped in the company down-sizing.
Guess I lot of us face this these days. Always a fear in the back of many of our minds.

Looks like you got some great advice so far, I just wanted to add that perhaps you may want to check on Long-Term Disablity. You want to consult, (a free consult) with a lawyer that speicalizes in this area.
I would not reccommend filing on your own without an attorney. This seems to cut through a lot of red tape.

Good luck to you!
Thanks for the idea Rob, but I don't think I would qualify for Long Term disability. I'm blessed that I can still work, so I just need to pick up the pieces and find a new job. The hard part is motivating myself and finding something. Right now, I am down on myself and that is giving me a negative attitude. I have to make it a positive attitude somehow.
Way up here we have labour laws governing severance pays, etc.
When my hubby got laid off/early retired after 26 yrs at an airline, they paid him 2 weeks for every yr worked plus any outstanding sick days, vacation days. He ended up with full pay for 14 mths. It gave us the security and reassurance we needed to not freak out!!
Can you call the Ohio State Labour Board and find out your entitlements?
Good Luck
Tough Times

Tough Times

Sorry to hear of your layoff. It seems to be getting harder and harder to find another job. I have a friend who has been out of work for almost two years. Seems like nobody is eager to hire the experienced folks, since they can get kids to take the jobs for much less. Wishing you luck all around... Brian Mc

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