Loss of balance; funny feeling in left arm

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I was fixing my hair in the mirror, and when I started to walk away I felt like I was losing my balance. I felt this way for about 10 minutes. I walked down the hall and felt like I was drunk. Nothing else hurt or felt funny, except my left arm seemed weak and shaky (if that makes any sense). I did not feel dizzy exactly, just felt like I couldn't keep my balance. When I would stand still I would lose my balance. Any ideas? :confused: BECCA
It sounds like a TIA (transient ischemic attack). These are small bloodclots that travel on through your system and give symptoms as they go. But it could also be a side effect of something like beta blockers that are used to lower blood pressure. Low blood pressure can cause one to feel dizzy and faint if the dosage is too high.

At any rate with these symptoms, even if they go away, you should call your cardiologist or even your PCP and get in to see them TODAY.

If anything like this, or any other thing out of the ordinary happens, call 911, and let the ambulance take you to the ER. Do not attempt to drive yourself.

My husband has had many TIAs. They resolve quickly, but can leave little areas of damage. They have to be evaluated.
I'd have it checked out Becca. It could be nothing, but it could be a TIA. I read your past posts; are you still having your INR checked once every two months?
Hi Becca,

I had a similar experience that turned out to be the result of throwing two blood clots. My INR had severely dropped unbeknownst to me. My first symptom was my legs seemed heavy, awkward to walk, I went about 20 feet then they just seemed to loose strength and then I was kneeling on the ground. I only felt a tiny bit dizzy more really just odd feeling in my head. That was clot number one. This passed in about 5 to 10 minutes, and then while riding to the hospital I had my right arm start shaking a little, my speech became slurred a little, that?s clot number two. My INR had dropped to 1.2 which my cardio explained was the cause for the clots. She felt I had thrown two clots, the first hit my spine thus no legs, the second hit my brain. My clots dissipated on their own so ER was somewhat confused. Make sure they test your INR if you go.

If this sounds like you please get your INR checked ASAP. I am not a doctor or anything else, just me.

My hope is this is not what you feel,

Yes, do have it checked out.

So you can feel a little better, I had a similar experience and it turned out to be an ear infection. Couldn't steer a straight course, no matter how I tried. The odd sensation on the "off" side for me was from the lack of balance creating confusion.

Hope it turns out to be a nothing.

Best wishes,
What does the term "throwing a clot" refer to? I interpret it as the valve dislodging a blood clot to another area of the body. Fortunately, in this case it appears there was no damage vs. more severe, stroke like results. What is the difference? :confused:
A TIA is a tiny clot that is small enough to pass through whatever it is going through. The problem is that they can portend a stroke, so they have to be checked out. And they sometimes leave small lesions in the areas they are going through. They would be small enough not to cause trouble, but if there are numerous TIAs, the damage can add up.

Although my husband has not had a brain stroke, he has had splenic infarctions from emboli, and on Christmas Day, he lost the vision in his eye, also from an embolism to the retinal artery.

In my husband's case, all doctors involved feel the clots had formed from his mechanical valves, even though his INR was therapeutic.
beccaslp said:
I was fixing my hair in the mirror, and when I started to walk away I felt like I was losing my balance. I felt this way for about 10 minutes. I walked down the hall and felt like I was drunk. Nothing else hurt or felt funny, except my left arm seemed weak and shaky (if that makes any sense). I did not feel dizzy exactly, just felt like I couldn't keep my balance. When I would stand still I would lose my balance. Any ideas? :confused: BECCA

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