losing weight

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Feb 17, 2009
douglasville GA
so i had a aorta replacement in 06 and was watching my weight and now it has gotten way out of control this is not good for my heart
im 22 years old , male, hight 6'2 weight ...250 when i left the hospital after 8 months , ''yes it didn't go as planned not like the other one''
but when i left i was 180 and i stayed at 195 for awhile
so why im typing this up what the safe way for us to loss weight QUICKLY

so i had a aorta replacement in 06 and was watching my weight and now it has gotten way out of control this is not good for my heart
im 22 years old , male, hight 6'2 weight ...250 when i left the hospital after 8 months , ''yes it didn't go as planned not like the other one''
but when i left i was 180 and i stayed at 195 for awhile
so why im typing this up what the safe way for us to loss weight QUICKLY


Hi and welcome Josh. The short answer to your question is that there is NO safe way to QUICKLY lose weight. All medical professionals will (or should) agree. Losing weight at no more than an average of 1 to 2 pounds per week is optimum for effective long term weight loss.

I'm on Weight Watchers and recommend it highly, but it is not the only good program (I just happen to think it's the best). If you're disciplined enough to eat smaller portions, not over eat, eat balanced, stay hydrated, get enough exercise, then you lose weight on your own. MOST people are not disciplined enough to go it alone and benefit greatly from a specific game plan and support group.

Best wishes on your weight loss efforts!

Hi Josh

why lose so fast? I joined weight watchers also, and I absolutely love it. It helped me quite a bit and I'm already down 30 pounds which is great. Before I joined I felt like nothing I would try to lose weight would work, your better off losing slowly but surely.
Losing it

Losing it

There are lots of people who'll happily share their advice, experiences and give you answers regarding how to shed some pounds. Most of the folks I know who've successfully lost weight and managed to keep it off do some things to change their lifestyles.

Sure, there are weight loss systems that can be used, but I've never seen any that don't require changing habits. It doesn't matter if the system is Jenny Craig, Nutrisystems, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Alli, Atkins, etc... This means changing eating habits and increasing one's activity level. Changing habits and adopting a different lifestyle is the difficult part of losing weight. Most of the systems out there will work if one is committed to the program.

If there's a fast, easy way to suffessfully diet, I've never seen it. Losing weight and changing one's life isn't as easy as taking a couple of pills every day; it's hard work. I can't even begin to tell you how many people I've seen lose a bunch of weight by using a well-designed diet system only to gain it back because they return to old habits.

Take it from an old guy who is three times your age, and has been up and down on weight like a yo-yo, there is nothing accomplished by very quickly losing a bunch of weight, because it builds back up and is not a healthy process. Slow and steady is the secret -- 1 or 2 pounds a week. Over a year that will add up; then you follow a plan of diet, exercise, and sensible eating that will help you maintain whatever is a good weight for you.

Not that I am a model for any of that -- it is just that on my long journey, I have learned a thing or two, and I know what I myself should be doing, even if I am not always doing it. Good luck to you!
Josh, like others have said, there is no safe and fast way to lose weight. Never try to lose more than 2 lbs. a week.

I started dieting at age 23, for my weight had got up to 228. (5'11') I had gained 43 lbs in 2 years, (wife was too good of a cook). Started eating more green salads, more oven cooked chicken, less fried foods, less fat beef, pork and my real weakness...less sweets! Started eating my main meal at lunch with a light supper. Over the last several years usually never eat anything after 3 or 4PM. Also started weighting EVERY day. About 33 years ago started daily 3 mile jog. The year before AVR switched to daily fast walking and continue that today. All of it has worked for me. Today my old USAF uniform that was issued in 1952 still fits. I weight several lbs. less than back then but that's due to muscle loss.

Eat less calories and exercise more. It's really simple, just burn more calories than you taking in and the weight will come off. ;)

But remember.....it's a lifetime commitment.

Good luck!
so i had a aorta replacement in 06 and was watching my weight and now it has gotten way out of control this is not good for my heart
im 22 years old , male, hight 6'2 weight ...250 when i left the hospital after 8 months , ''yes it didn't go as planned not like the other one''
but when i left i was 180 and i stayed at 195 for awhile
so why im typing this up what the safe way for us to loss weight QUICKLY


Hi Josh, I don't have any advice expect to say I agree with what the others recomended, but want to say Hello. My 21 YO son Justin was also born with TGA. He wasn't able to have the switch as his main surgerybecause of his other CHDs, which I'm guessing you might have had since you've had an AVR? It is nice "meeting" someone close to Justin's age with the same CHD. Lyn
Hi Josh,

I must agree with the others. It is not safe or healthy to loose weight too quickly! Slow and steady wins the race! Moderate exercise, (check with your Dr.) and I would avoid junk food and sweets. Limit empty calories as much as possible. I know that will be difficult to do, as the Holiday season is approaching! Here's an idea, make yourself a New Years resolution, that you can live with. Set for yourself a HEALTHY weight that you would like to be, and a REASONALBE time frame to loose it. Stick with fruits, vegies and lean meat.

Let us know how it goes. Good luck!
I recommend having heart surgery again. Prior to my operation I was hovering around 237 at 6' 4" tall. Here I am just 7 1/2 weeks later and down to 210. My operation destroyed my affinity for sweets so they aren't even tempting anymore. I even went down a pants size and can use the fourth hole in my belt now.

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