Losartan 25mg

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
anyone taking or has taken this drug,my doc just which me to it from listinopril just wondering if anyone had any side effects from it.oh the listinopril gave me a constent cough
anyone taking or has taken this drug,my doc just which me to it from listinopril just wondering if anyone had any side effects from it.oh the listinopril gave me a constent cough

Sure am. Taking Losartin 50mg htz once daily with nary a side effect! I was switched after taking atacand for 9 years.
I was given this when I requested to be taken off beta blockers, I've not had a problem and been on it about 7 months now.
I took it for 8 months prior to my surgery and never had any issues at all. I take Metropolol now post surgery.


I take 75mg daily but find I have to spread out the dosage to 25mg morning, 25 lunch, 25 tea as It made me fatigued.. Hope it works well for you