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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I got my very own official Star Wars Darth Tater! My wife is checking to see if it's safe for me to play with since it says for ages 2+. I think she's afraid of what I might do with the spare loose parts. What do you all think?


Ross said:
I got my very own official Star Wars Darth Tater! My wife is checking to see if it's safe for me to play with since it says for ages 2+. What do you all think?



I think you're a little young for it.
Remember the Mr. Potato Heads that actually used real potatoes!!! Man, those things could smell after a while.

Ross, I think only the smaller parts need to be taken away. And that's a straight-line for something, but I won't go there. :D
Hey Ross, if you swallow too many of the little pieces, and survive, then you could also make us all here some intergallactic mashed tater. Were you the class clown or what?
Ross said:
Nope. Actually I was a very shy, quiet, blacksheep that no one ever noticed. ;)

Well, I'm glad you got over it. You're probably a prime source of entertainment for a lot of people here. That's meant positively...can't you see my tone of finger (not that finger).
I have proof otherwise....

I have proof otherwise....

Ross said:
Nope. Actually I was a very shy, quiet, blacksheep that no one ever noticed. ;)

.....in the form of some lusty notes penned by a sassy lady in the early flower of her young years. :D This ribald prose had been stashed away in the childhood home of this little lolita, till some recent remodeling revealed these secret tomes to their romantic romps :eek: My lips are sealed :rolleyes:

(Of course, you could always emails the ROSS STUD for details on this early affair)
RCB said:
.....in the form of some lusty notes penned by a sassy lady in the early flower of her young years. :D This ribald prose had been stashed away in the childhood home of this little lolita, till some recent remodeling revealed these secret tomes to their romantic romps :eek: My lips are sealed :rolleyes:

(Of course, you could always emails the ROSS STUD for details on this early affair)

Okay, Spud Stud...out with it...no more mister nice guy stuff...sordid details...or do we have to wait for the letters to be published? LOL!! I didn't know such a simple question would lead to such revelations. Is RCB one of your current or former friends...enemies?


Ross you once told me to avoid chopping off any limbs with my new power tools. Now to return the favor: 1) do not put any of the parts from your new toy in your mouth. 2) do not put the plastic bag your new toy came in over your head (3 play nice- do not throw your toy at your playmates 4) do not allow yourself to get over stressed, if you cannot get the toy together have a responsible adult help you. charlie b
Ross said:
... I think she's afraid of what I might do with the spare loose parts. What do you all think?...

I think that what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom is your business, but question whether it's appropriate to talk about that sort of stuff here.
Barry said:
I think that what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom is your business, but question whether it's appropriate to talk about that sort of stuff here.
Ah but that's speculation with a dirty mind. What if I were to do nothing more then chew and swallow the parts or put them on my cat or........ :D
Ross said:
Ah but that's speculation with a dirty mind. What if I were to do nothing more then chew and swallow the parts or put them on my cat or........ :D

Ah HA!
You've been caught, Ross! Quit trying to blame the poor cat.
Sure hope it was delivered in a "plain brown wrapper" :D :D :D .

Enjoy (as I know you will--can't wait to see the pictures of different locations :p ) and if you start missing parts "BLAME THE CAT" :) . Maybe you will be lucky and they will have a "hairball" attack at the same time you are saying "thats my story and I'm sticking to it" :D :D :D .

May God Bless,
