Logitech quick cam

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Our son and daughter-in-law bought us a Logitech quick cam in preparation for the birth of our third grandchild next month. Nancy brought it with her when she visited this week and now that she is back in Boston we just had a great video and audio visit with them through skype. It's a tiny camera that attaches to the lap-top or desk-top, both parties have to be on Skype, windows messenger or yahoo messenger and both parties have to have the quick cam ( about $59 with a $20 rebate through Amazon right now) then you can talk to each other and also see each other- all for FREE! Loved talking to them, but I am really looking forward to seeing more of Harry when he is born!:D
Ross said:
Note: It doesn't have to be a Logitech quickcam. Many other brands will work also.
Sorry, Ross. I didn't mean to imply that- just a way to identify the kind of camera that was used. Also, if the party that you are calling doesn't have a camera, they can still see you- you just can't see them.
Just so others that aren't up to speed know, though in my opinion, the quickcam is about the best on the market for the price. Yeap, I got one too! :cool:
I don't ever go to Sunday evening chat- it's always during dinner hour or we are out at that time, but I imagine those with quickcams could add a whole new dimension to the chat room, or should I say a whole new face.

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