Liverpool England Mini-Reunion

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I've been off the air for the past few weeks but I'm back now and just wanted to extend an invitation to any of our UK Members to a mini reunion to be held in Liverpool, England on Saturday 10th July. (Liverpool was the home of the Beatles for those of you old enough to remember the Beatles.)

Jan and I are meeting up in the Marriott Hotel in Liverpool city centre, probably around 8pm on July 10th and would be delighted to see any of the rest of you who can make it on that evening. If there are any changes to the time, etc. we will let you know in the next week.

We will endeavour to produce a photograph for the website which should be the first reunion picture from outside the USA. Anyone wishing to stay over can also attend the Jerry-Lee Lewis/Chuck Berry concert the following evening in the Liverpool Empire Theatre which is close-by. Tickets are available for the show from Ticketmaster online.

Looking forward to as many members as possible dropping by....please wear your sweatshirt if you have one so we can identify you.......or just come in the lobby and holler.

I wish I could fly over to join you! It sounds like you're going to have a wonderful time. Billie, please post the pictures as soon as you can so we can all see them.

Now if only I would have known ahead of time. Would love to be there, but I already have vacation plans to go elsewhere that week. :D I had always wanted to go to Liverpool! Why????
See below!

BEATLEMANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I remember the Beatles! I was the ripe age of 13 when they landed in the states! I was glued to Ed Sullivan! Bought their 45's, albums, gum(with beatle cards) joine dthe fan club! etc....What can I say! :D

The Jerry-Lee Lewis/Chuck Berry concert sounds like a blast too! Yeah, I'm an Old Time Rock n Roller! :D :D

Well, now that I've gotten older I've diversified my taste in music, but still love the rock n roll best!

SOunds like you all will have a blast! You guys have fun, and definitely post pictures!
that sounds like fun, Billy. A few of us will meet in Atlanta in the next couple weeks. We will all share our pix when we get home again. What fun.

Nice that VRers are getting together around the globe, whether it's a BIG reunion or not.
The more the merrier....

The more the merrier....

Mary, Lorraine, Ann, feel free to drop by....wish y'all could really be there.

Hey Gemma, any chance that you could get that ferry and join us for a coffee?

Everyone welcome....Oooooops meeting time is now 7.30pm on Saturday 10th the Marriott in Liverpool city centre. Jan and I will be there.

Hey, Billy (aka Camera Man)

Hey, Billy (aka Camera Man)


Any chance of your taking along a video camera to record a portion of the proceedings? Who knows, maybe one day someone will want to make a documentary about how Hank got the website up and running, and we will need video footage.
Seriously! I can imagine it all ready!

ps If nothing else, it would be good for a reunion retrospective!