List of symptoms.

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Hi all. Havent posted for quite a long time, however i do read a lot in the forums.
I can't help but feeling bummed out whenever i think about this condition. I only have trivial to mild regurgitation with my BAV. I have had bot a echo and a scope down the throat echo.
I have a feeling of tight chest. I do have asthma, however sometimes my inhalers dont work. Could this be BAV acting up? It is a feeling that i cant get a deep breath in. Also when i feel like this it helps when i am in the lying down position. I thought that it get worse when lying down.?.?.
I get both my Boys 1.5 and 4 years checked for it with an echo on May 1 and im scared as hell to find out that they have the same condition.
Anyway can somebody give a list of the symptoms and the side effects of this condition. I have read it over the internet, but it seems much more informative coming from real people.

I totally understand your concern for your children, and after my surgery had my children all tested for BAV via echo tests. BAV symptoms at an early age included loud murmur, palpitations, and fatigue after exercise, especially when running distances. I was always athletic, however, and didn't really have problems. In my late 40s I learned that I had BAV with ascending aortic aneurysm, and although I was in great physical shape, had symptoms of occasional chest pain on my left side (sometimes sharp), upper back pain under left shoulderblade (rare), more noticeable chest pain in the months prior to surgery, and intermittent dry cough in the weeks prior to surgery, as well as palpitations and fatigue after stressful exercise. I was really out of breath after running a mile or so as a result of lack of oxygen from aortic regurgitation. Two years after surgery, I am now able to run over 2 miles daily without problems.
Barb it could be, but not likely unless things have changed since your last echo. I think you best consult your physician on this.
I am not a BAV patient so I cannot address the symptoms related to that condition.
However, I do have exercise induced asthma and sometimes heat induced asthma. Both of those produce a tight chest with only slight breathing difficulties. Primatene has always eliminated the problem which is why I know it's the asthma.
Does your inhaler help with the tightness?
Trivial to mild regurgitation is unlikely to cause any symptoms at all noticeable to the patient. It's just treated as something to keep an eye on if it progresses.

Best wishes,
I have BAV and have been asymptomatic all my life until about 3 months ago. I am now 35 with severe regurg(4++++) and some stenosis. My energy level and fatigue after working has changed my lifestyle to where I come home and nap before dinner. Never had to do that in all my years. Awaiting AVR on 4/26 and looking forward to feeling good again. My heart needs some relief and I need some energy. LOL

My husband is soon to be 35. He had a known murmur all his life, but his only complaint was that he couldn't run long distances without getting winded. Fast yes, but The only symptom he noted getting worse prior to his surgery was in increase in shortness of breath while going upstais, carrying multiple packages.

My kids were checked for murmurs when my husband came down with endocarditis, and our daughter, miniture of her daddy has a "suspicious" murmur and I have her echo scheduled for May 22 and Doc visit for May 23, but these are going to have to be moved due conflicts with work. I am scared stiff, but she is holding up better than me.

Take care and keep us posted.

Just a thought, but do you have problems with anxiety at all? Could it be anxiety making your symptoms worse? I sometimes think my anxiety makes my symptoms worse.

Thanks guys. I really appreciate all the responses and feedback. Gina, my inhalers help sometimes with the tightness. I find that i get relief if a have good cough (which i have to induce.........hahahha.....i have no urge to cough, but eventually i get a little gob up).....sorry i know that i gross, but there is no nice way to say it....LoL!!!) Then the tightness seems to dissipate.
Why exactly does the valve problem cause shortness of it that the lungs can't do there job on account of the restricted blood flow? Also, where does the blood go that is being regurgitated? Is there such a thing as a person with BAV or other valve defects, not needing surgery at all? My Dr. told me to think of myself as one of those ppl who will never need surgery. He is a very spiritual man.........I don't know!!!
Carista, i dont think i have anxiety. I have never had anxiety medicine or been panicked enough to get any......I am a little uptight though when it comes to the idea of me ever needing surgery, or dropping dead on account of heart attack or failure.........LOL.......i guess that is normal........i suppose anxiety could make me feel like i cant breath.........Who knows!! Maybe i will start to have anxiety now that i found out about my heart condition.....Just what a heart patient needs....Hahahhahah!!! The thought of it kinda does put me in panick mode........Wooooo!!! Good Golly, Molly!!!
Thanks again everyone.

Take care
Thanks again.