Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
my style has always been pyramiding up with a warm up being the starter set. I start on 20 reps and do them slowly (also to not introduce rocking) and go up to what I can do to just before failure.What are your thoughts and what have your experiences been with repetition ranges?
I also record what I do (or did, not now) and compare over the weeks. I used a basic school maths exersize book for that.
I was often as strong as guys a little larger than me but more bulked. Back then I also worked doing deliveries and pickups from the suppliers. So I'd (say) load 2 ton of paint (in 20L buckets) into the truck, drive it back to our place, unload it onto the storage, then load the truck up again (with less) to do the days deliveries).