Are you taking any of the statin drugs for cholesterol? If so, tell your doctor right away. Peripheral neuropathy is a known side effect of these drugs. It's rare, but it does happen. I know because it's happened to me.
I was taking only 20mg of Zocor, but after several months I developed significant muscle weakness and experienced most of the neuropathy symptoms listed below. Sometimes the burning in my feet was so bad it kept me up at night and walking was painful. About 2 weeks after I stopped taking Zocor, my muscle strength started coming back, and after about 5 weeks the neuropathy started to subside. After 3 months, I'm still feeling the neuropathy effects and it will probably be many months before I can declare victory.
By the way, all my blood tests were normal, so don't let your doc dismiss the possibility of statin sensitivity just because your blood looks good.
Here are the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy from a WebMD page:
· A tingling sensation in the toes or in the balls of the feet that eventually spreads up the legs toward the trunk. Less commonly, the sensation may begin in the hands and spread up the arms.
· Numbness in the hands and feet that spreads up the arms and legs.
· Weakness or heaviness in muscles throughout the body. This may be accompanied by cramping, especially in the feet, legs, and hands.
· Sensitive skin that may be painful to the touch. Prickling, burning, tingling, or sharp stabbing sensations may occur spontaneously and usually worsen at night.
· A foot-drop walking gait and/or problems with balance or coordination