Leg Vein Graft Harvest Resulting in Swelling?

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I had posted this in the post-op forum but wondered also what some people's longer term experience with this is - here'm my question -
question about bypass vein graft harvest - I had bypass surgery as well as the valves - they used my leg vein for the graft and made 3 incisions on the inner side of my leg - since the surgery directly under the lowest incision (just below my knee) there has been swelling (right there below the lowest incision - I mentioned it to nurses in the hospital and my doctor and they didn't see to think it was an issue - I was wondering if it's common to have swelling just under where the vein used to be when they harvest a vein from one's leg?
Leg Swelling

Leg Swelling

I had no swelling at my leg incision but the incision was tender for perhaps 12 months post surgery.

I think swelling should be examined by doctors and should be monitored as to increase in size and area.

I answered in the other post but here tis again. I had quad bypass, requiring 4 sections of saphenous vein from my leg - from ankle into groin. Afterwards there was swelling; I asked the cardio; they said there would most likely always be some swelling about the ankle. That was 3/2000 and there still is swelling, but not much. Nobody would notice but me and the doctor. It doesn't show much. but I know it's there. Just part of the process. Seems the blood has to find another route since the saphenous vein is no long available for the flow.
Hi Jim - didn't have a swelling problem. Where the vein was severed right below the knee did leak atfter surgery and I had a hellova bruise at the sight. Where it was severed right at the inside ankle, there is a large bump that always seems to get bumped on things and is very tender. I'm guessing there is a better way of doing things. Chris
Thanks for all your replies - mine sounds like the one Chris has - I have a sort of bump too right below where the vein was harvested except for me they went from a few inches below the knee up to top of thigh (they took a chest one too but apparently that's internal). I guess it makes sense that if the blood in that saphenous vein hits a dead end it can cause a traffic jame so to speak.
Thanks again.