Leg Cramps

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hi all just a quick question my daughter has been having leg cramp few a couple of days now should i mention this to the cardio when she see him on monday she said they feel like charlie horses
Hi Ohio. The cardio may refer you to her general practitioner for that, but do mention it. I have trouble with leg cramps. I am given a prescription for quinine sulfate. Do not confuse this with quinadine which is something entirely different. If your daughter doesn't mind bitter tastes, in the meantime, she might get some relief from plain old Tonic Water. It has a small amount of quinine in it. It is used to mix alcoholic drinks, as in Gin and Tonic,but has NO alcohol in it. Not Soda water. You want Tonic water. I ususally squeeze a little fresh lime into mine. I drink it all the time. I used to get charlie horses as a child. Both my cardio and my GP said they were not related to the aortic stenosis, but they didn't come back until my valve started worsening. Also, though, I began menopause, so again, perhaps she is having some hormonal changes bringing these on.

The quinine sulfate REALLY helps me so definitely mention it to the doctor.

Good luck to her!

I have never heard the term 'charlies horses' so am not sure what the pain would be like. I get two different pains, in different parts of my legs. One is when my left foot goes into a spasm, I call that cramp, and for that I take quinine sulfate 200mg each evening. The other pain I have is in both calf muscles which isn't a spasm, it is an ache when I exercise and in particular when I walk, the quinine sulfate doesn't help that at all.

Definitely worth mentioning to her doctor, especially as it is a new pain.
There's a discussion on this same thing on a UK board I use too. Someones suggested that calcium supplements greatly helped their teenage daughters leg cramps - and this child has a very severe CHD too. Another mum I know whose child suffers with leg pains uses massage and hot water bottles to ease the pain too.
Hope you find something that works
leg aches

leg aches

I have had leg aches my whole life (my mother use to say they were growing pains?) and now as an adult I take a calcium/magnesium supplement and must say this was the miracle cure for ME. I suffered every night with these and only a hot hot bath or a pain pill would relieve my aches. My mother in law talked me into trying the calcium/mag and I actually had relief the very first night I used it. Hope you find something that works for you. Have a great day:D
don't know if this applies or not but.....

don't know if this applies or not but.....

My father has had problems with leg cramps and they recommend postassium -- usually just eating bananas. My son is on Lasix which can cause him to loose potassium so they recommed eating a banana - or something high potassium so he can replenish what he's lost. Do mention it to the dr - don't know if there's any connection between that and underlying causes.
I invariably get leg cramps if I've forgotten my vitamins for a while...the potassium! They'll wake me up those damn calf cramps. But then I'll take my vits and a banana or two a day and they go away! But...ohhhh...man, do they hurt!
RE: Leg Cramps

I don't have "leg cramps" as you've all described them, but I do have "restless legs" and take a Parkinson's drug called Requip. This RLS causes me to have to move my limbs to relieve the tingling and prickly feeling. It happens when I go to bed or sometimes when I'm just sitting still.
Is this like what you all are describing? I used to take quinine when it was available over the counter, but they took it off the market. Is it still available by prescription? I really don't like taking the Requip; makes me nervous.
BTW this condition has nothting to do with my heart surgery. I've had this for years and it only gets worse as I age. Ain't getting older great?

RLS question

RLS question

Barbara Stewart said:
This RLS causes me to have to move my limbs to relieve the tingling and prickly feeling. It happens when I go to bed or sometimes when I'm just sitting still.

Barbara -- I've noticed recently that I've been having a tingling -- except it seems to be mainly in my toes, and feet - but if I move around it quits -- do you think this could be related to RLS??? problaby not - I know - but it gets really annoying when I'm trying to settle down at night. Thanks, Karen
Leg cramps

Leg cramps

I want to preface this by saying, I'm not a doctor or a nurse, but yes, it sounds very much like RLS. I think it is some sort of nerve thing, but I'm not really sure what causes it and I'm not sure docs know either. :eek:

What I do know is that it runs in families and gets more severe the older we get (great, huh:p ). It has come and gone in my life, but it always returns, sooner or later. I have noticed that it is worse when I have over exercised. As far as I know it isn't serious in the sense it doesn't kill you or debilitate you, it only makes you miserable. Sorry for the bad news. :(

Like so many of our conditions it is manageable. THere is an RLS website. Google the drug Requip and then "restless legs syndrome." Maybe some of the other things that members have tried will help you. That's just my experience.:D
I have had RLS for years. It is very common for folks with fibromyalgia to also have RLS.
I find my RLS is worse when my legs are not very warm. I always wear leg warmers (get them at a dance wear store) and socks along over nylon material long underwear. This regime really makes a difference although there are times that nothing works except getting up and walking around. Tylenol does help if pain from cramping is bad.
Leg cramps, toe tingling, the urge to move your feet or legs are all signs of RLS. It definitely runs in families as my mother had it and one of my sisters also has it.
With me, I have days where the RLS doesn't bother me at all and then some days when it reduces me to tears especially when I can't sleep and I have to get up early the next day. I am an insomniac anyway and the RLS sometimes keeps me from getting ANY sleep. It can be tough but, heh, still here.;) ;)
Here's a link to the RLS website:
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Thanks for all the help -- I'm definately checking into this -- it may or may not be this but if it answers the questions about the tingling feet I'll be very happy. I just got off work and tried to settle down and the legs are aching and the feet are really tingling now!! Who knows I may just be getting older and not willing to admit it!! :D :D :D But anyway, thanks again.