Leak after mitral valve replacement

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
I am sure that I have seen this somewhere, but couldn't find it. A couple of months back I had an echo but didn't see my doctor for the results until he other week. Apparently there is some leakage from the mitral valve, I got the impression that it was fairly mild, can someone tell me if this is usual after a valve replacement?

I am getting SOB and when I cough the phlem is often blood-streaked. I have had a course of antibiotics for possible chest infection but the cough remains (not constant) and the gunk not gone away.
I don't know how common leakage is after mitral valve repair, but from the posts I have read here and from my experience it seems to be very common. It doesn't seem to matter whether the valve has be repaired through the sternum or done robotically there is usually some leakage. I went to the cardiologist recently and my ECHO shows miminal leakage in the valve. The cardiologist cannot hear a murmur with his stethoscope. He told me that the surgeon repairs the valve as best he can and cannot make a perfect repair, thus there is some leakage. I am so sorry you are short of breath and having bloody sputnum - this sounds to me like a throat infection of some kind and not heart related. Perhaps some other members can enlighten you there. Good luck and I'll keep you in my prayers too Sue.
Do you know if the leak is in the valve itself, or in the suture area around the valve?

If you are still coughing and the phlegm is blood-tinged, you need to go back into your doctor. The first round of anitbiotics may not have taken care of an infection. Since you are on warfarin, the blood may be from your tissues being irritated. Even people not on warfarin will get this if they are doing a lot of coughing or if there is a lot of lung congestion.
It is a replacement, not a repair.

I was just told there was some leakage, fairly mild I think.

As for the SOB and sputum, I went through this prior to my surgery, took antibiotics which did nothing (as there was no infection) and still I coughed up blood stained gunk. The chest x-ray at the time gave slight cause for concern as there could have been TB (showed possible cavitation), and as this was just before I was due to fly out to England for an angiogram it was bad news. I was hospitalised immediately (well as soon as I could get home to pack my case and get driven to the hospital, so within the hour) and it was found to be the fluid on my lungs, no TB. I was a bit concerned that I might be getting a build-up once more despite taking diuretics.

I was told that the doctor will order another chest x-ray but I haven't received the appointment yet.
Hi Sue, I remember posting on a thread like this before where leaks around the suture area of the valve were very common. Chloe has one at the top of hers - its very mild, has been there since surgery and never caused any problems (touch wood!). Hope this is the case with yours!!
I'd go back to your doctor about the blood though - sounds like you didnt get that infection with the first lot of anti-bs. I had that happen to me, I left it thinking it would clear itself after the first lot and almost ended up in hospital with broncitis as it developed quite nastily Not wanting to scare you at all but just might be an idea to pop back and see if you need another course.
Love Emma
I'll be making an appointment to see him later in the week anyway, I want him to sign me off again - my current certificate is only valid until 17th. Somehow I think I might have cooked my goose with the temp agency. :(

We are now verry much on first name terms! He always called me Sue but I now call him Alex.
Leak after mitral valve

Leak after mitral valve


Yes, it happens. I had my mitral valve replaced last May and had to have a redo this past January. Apparently the replacement needed to be stiched down again. I have no idea how or why it happened, but it did and the second surgery has been successful. I have a porcine valve and fortunately the surgeon did not have to replace the first valve, just repair it.
