The Night Before...
The Night Before...
it is 11:00 PM 4/29 (by my clock) and I thought I'd take a moment to log on and post a note.
I report to the hospital tomorrow at 5:30 AM and surgery is scheduled for 7:00 AM (Kaiser Medical Center - Santa Clara, CA).
I am absolutely amazed at how calm I am about this whole procedure. Is this normal - it seems so surreal to me? I expected to be bouncing off the walls by now... but not even close! I am just at total peace with my pending OHR/AVR and have great confidence in the medical team, etc.
For six years in my life I was a seminarian - a monk in a mendicant order of friars. It was a wonderful time in the seminary. Days filled with heady thoughts and theological studies... prayer and meditation... sometimes good food, too! Yet, I cannot remember a time in my life when the Hand of God has so uniquely touched me as it has through this communal shared experience. We are a community - we are supporters of each other.
My thanks and love to all of you who have witnessed to me of your experiences and have sent me your kind wishes and prayers.
Tomorrow is now 18 minutes closer than it was when I started. Still much to do... but most importantly, time to get a bit of rest in preparation for my 7 'o clock date with Dr. Lee and the team.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all, too. You are my "extended" support group and I am grateful and thankful to have you all journey with me on my road to healing.
BTW - I have a blog set-up and you're welcome to visit it should you have a mind to do so. The URL for it is