Layne Update

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
I just looked at Layne's blog and saw this post. Sounds like Layne may be a few days still before he can post but it sounds like things are going well. Here is the post :

Okay, Layne moved from Cardiac ICU to the Transitional Unit ... formerly known as Step down ... where he is comfortable. While he was at the Cardiac ICU, he walked a little bit. We start with baby steps ... and he did very well. He is in a single room and is sleeping. Doesn't have the just outside the room single nurse like in the other room .. more like a regular hospital ward ... a little noisier ... but he is being monitored quite so closely ....

We met the Physical therapist who helped him get out of bed and started to teach him how to walk ... for those of you who may not understand this process ... while the heart and its condition is very important and critical ... the hardest and longest part of the recovery is the fusion of the breast bone which was cut to allow the surgeons access to the heart. That's what will take 6 to 8 weeks or more for a proper fusing and healing. It is also where a lot of the pain is located. But the stitches look very nice ... a kind of lattice effect for one's chest ... maybe we can have the same stitching in T-shirts?

His breathing is better and all in all he looks pretty good ... more sleepy than cranky today ... the object of his disaffection is gone today ... you see all things are impermanent.

... maybe in a day or two ... I can get him to type some of those words ... till then .. off to a commercial ... gotta keep the silly metaphor going ....
Thanks for posting the update. It sounds like everything is going well.:)
Greetings - I'm back home!

Greetings - I'm back home!

Greetings and salutations to you all!!

My AVR went very well... I had a bit of a time with things last weekend... but, now things are looking better. I came home yesterday afternoon... this was my first full day back at "the ranch" and I am just so happy to be here.

It's nearly 2:15 in the AM at the moment... just couldn't get comfortable in bed so thought I'd sit up, read and post something quick. Many people were kind to post messages on my own blog (which can be found at in you have an interest in view its details. It was the focus of communication for family, friends, etc... My partner Stephen did a bang up job with keeping all informed and for being my advocate and supporter during this time.

I know I'll write more, soon... but, I just wanted to checkin and say "howdy-howdy" to you all. I so appreciate your comments and support.

Best wishes to you all!!

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