Lauren's_Dad Back Home Yesterday (But Can't Sleep!)

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Greetings everyone:

Just wanted to let everyone know that I returned from the hospital yesterday (three days after my surgery for replacement of the aorta and the aortic valve).

While it is wonderful to be home, my first night at home was not exactly a rousing success. I was unable to get comfortable enough to sleep (probably got an hour or two of sleep somewhere between 5 and 8 am). I am going to research this topic a bit more this afternoon, but if anyone has any "miracle cures" (not involving prescriptions) that they're willing to share, I'm all ears...

Take care everyone. Still shaking my head when I think about going from valve and aorta replacement to home in three days. Pretty impressive stuff going on in our medical communities with regards to valve surgeries...

You'll find much in your research about difficulty sleeping. Solution: it passes. If you get three hours at a crack, consider yourself fortunate. Don't, of course, lie down in bed if you had your chest cracked. Sleeping reclining perhaps. I slept sitting up on the couch. I did save my pain pill for right before bed -- wonderful dreams.
Welcome Home- that was quick! Sleep may be hard for a number of weeks- try a recliner, Dick took Tylenol PM, and frequent massages may help.
I'm amazed you are home so soon. The nights probably will be long. I haven't had surgery but here is my sleep trick... kick back the recliner, turn on CNN and Wolf Blitzer will sing you a lullaby about Baraq and Joe and McCain and Sarah. Hopefull as time goes by the nights will get shorter and the sleep will come longer. Take care.
I had to sleep in a recliner for a couple of weeks or so. And I needed someone to give me a little push to get the recliner back also.

Did they give you an incentive spirometer, Jason? If so, be sure and do the exercises as instructed because they can really help your recovery.

Glad you're home for the long weekend; hope all goes well. Take care :) .
i WAS not at home where my recliner lives so I slept on a bed. Took my pain pill before going to bed. Woke during the night but could go back to sleep. Mornins came really early - while it was still dark.

Time cures it.

you got out really quick. Congratulations.
I swear, having a new valve is like having a new baby.

Sometimes you get to sleep all night.

Sometimes you are up every two hours.

Usually you get shorter-than-normal stretches of sleep during the night, but you also get naps during the day.

Your sleep schedule changes as the baby grows and teethes -- oops! I mean, as your body gets used to your new valve, has complications, gets over the complications, you add exercise, it gets you tired, you change medications....

And when you get discouraged, just thank the heavens you are not PonyGirlMom, who is taking massive amounts of steroids and will STAY AWAKE FOR DAYS. Just the thought should make you so tired that you drift right off.
Welcome home. The only place I could sleep at 1st was my recliner. Not great sleep, but better than none, usually got 4-5hours. I am now in my bed, 3 weeks later, sleep until I am sore and then move to the recliner. Hopefully this helps.

By the way welcome to my house college football. UGA 45-Ga Southern 21.

As reported above, MANY of our members slept in a recliner, sometimes for several weeks before being able to return to sleeping in bed (especially on their side or stomach).

If you are alert when you wake up, get up, walk around, watch TV or read, until you feel drowsy again. NAPS are GREAT! Hopefully all will return to normal, but it can often take WEEKS (sometimes even Months).

Let us know if you have any other issues.
Surely someone 'has been there' and will know what to do.

Sleep Tight :)

'AL Capshaw'
Welcome Home

Take it one night at a time, and lots of naps during the day. My husband was sent home with Extra Strength Tylenol....nothing else, and took that the first few nights. It will get better. Also, make sure you walk during the day, it might help wear you out and you'll sleep better at night......hope hope.

Remember, the best thing is that YOU'RE HOME!!! All else will work out.

Congratulations on getting through it and back home so quickly. The sleep struggles are very common. For most they go away with time. As others have suggested, try to nap during the day. I slept in a recliner for quite a while; wasn't comfortable in a bed, or getting in and out.
Happy you are safely home, Jason.

After both of my OHS, I was most comfortable sleeping in our bed. DH gathered piles of pillows for me to try the best combination for me and I found after two nights, I slept with my normal pillow and one thin additional for under my head. I could not sleep on my side for weeks/months. Tylenol PM is helpful and pain medication was a necessity for me for a few weeks. I only used it at night after my second OHS but used tylenol during the day and that kept me reasonably comfortable.

If you are napping during the day, you may wish to cut back on that in the hopes of getting better sleep at night.

I found the more active I was during the day, the better my sleep at night.
As the others have said, sleep problems are very common after OHS and for most of us, it's a matter of time until (HOPEFULLY) we get back to our normal sleep patterns.

Good luck and please let us know how you're doing.
Amazing!! How tough we are.

Amazing!! How tough we are.

Here goes. I read your posts and I don't know your situation but if you are trying to tough it out, look your daughter in the eye and tell her you know it's good for you to avoid pain but "Daddy has to be a cowboy". I was raised in Wyoming so I know how easy the image is to hang on to. I actually believe you must have other issues such as religious or insurance. There are means and ways such as the Public Health System (been around since long before Bush or Clinton) and state assistance. Keep a picture of your daughter in your pocket; not a picture of the big silver belt buckle.

I admire you and wish you luck in your recovery whatever you do and decide. You and your family are in my prayers.
Probably should clarify...

Probably should clarify...

Everyone, thanks for the advice. Sounds like some restlessness is relatively common after surgery. Hopefully in a few days, things will start to improve.

And just to clarify - I was looking for non-prescription ideas to compliment my current prescriptions, which include Darvoset for pain management. Guess that throws my tough guy image out the window...

(Though I think anyone that can make it through this process has pretty much proven their toughness...)

Take care,
My apologies

My apologies

I misunderstood your post. I was tough until I woke up and figured out no one gained if I acted up. Looking at your daughter, you have a lot to get better for. Good luck.

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