Laurad37's PVR and Tricuspid repair is Monday, April 20

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It's been a long wait for surgery, but it appears that it is a GO! for Monday!:)
I'm wishing you the most successful pulmonary replacement/ tricupsid repair that any VR member has ever had!:) You are young, in good health, and you have a terrific support system, so I'm confident that all will be fine.
We'll be waiting for an update, so please ask someone to post after surgery.
God bless and Godspeed!
I'll be sending some good vibes for a smooth surgery on Monday too.
It's been a long wait for surgery, but it appears that it is a GO! for Monday!:)
I'm wishing you the most successful pulmonary replacement/ tricupsid repair that any VR member has ever had!:) You are young, in good health, and you have a terrific support system, so I'm confident that all will be fine.
We'll be waiting for an update, so please ask someone to post after surgery.
God bless and Godspeed!

My husband Matt always is on the VR board with me so he will be posting after my surgery to let you all know how things went. When I'm back home and up to I will come back on. I can't thank all of you enough for all of your support these last couple months. They have been rough with alot of curveballs thrown in to make it a little more interesting. I could always talk to all of you and someone would have the answers I was looking for. So again, thank you for everything. I will be back but for now my husband will keep in contact with all of you.

Ross, please don't make me laugh too hard right after surgery. My husband always looks forward to your posts. Take care.
Good luck Laura. I think you'll be as prepared as possible and you'll find the preparation will help make your recovery go much more smoothly. We'll be awaiting updates of your progress!
Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way, Laura for a successful surgery and bump free recovery. We will be waiting to hear from hubby on your progress.
Laura....Finally hurray,i'm happy for you and all the best for
a sucessful surgery and boring recovery too.
hope you have a great relaxing weekend and we will all be with
you Monday;)
Looking forward to hubby posts regarding your well being.

zipper2 (DEB)