Laughs at the TEE

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dornole Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 5, 2014
Minnesota, US
So I was nervous last week for my second TEE but was saved by an unexpected source - the cardiologist doing the procedure. He was not my regular guy. So he's there explaining before they sedate me, and keeps saying they will put the probe in my "food tube." For some reason (this was BEFORE drugs) I found this completely hilarious but of course did not laugh. He could tell something was up though because he gave me a strange look, and almost said "esophagus" (due to uneasy distraction) and then corrected himself to "food tube."

So how technical does your cardiologist get with you? Too technical, or not enough? At least I got a laugh when I needed one!

And by the way good TEE - showed the last "sketchy" TTE was wrong - I get another year of freedom and then back to regular TTE monitoring. Happy to be starting year 15.
The last time I had a TEE was when I developed endocarditis and had two TEE's a few days apart. The first was done by an associate since it was an emergency and the second was by my guy. The associate was more serious since we never met, but during the encounter with my regular cardiologist , he was technical with the staff but much more relaxed talking with me since he knew my personality. In fact, I didn't get as much sedation since I told them i didn't need so much. I was able to follow the proceedings pretty well and he told me his findings right after the procedure which was that the valve was still not compromised. Good news about your TEE.
Well, I'm glad THAT went well. Now you can get back to your regularly scheduled life.

As for detail or not. . . I get really detailed with all of my doctors. That is one of my criteria in choosing them -- if they will entertain my detailed discussions, they are good for me. My cardio and I even debate non-cardiac medical issues. That really helps me to feel that the doctor treating me is actually a person whose responsibility it is to make sure my life is as good as possible. I appreciate every last one of them. . . and at my age there seem to be more and more of them.
epstns;n866218 said:
Well, I'm glad THAT went well. Now you can get back to your regularly scheduled life.

As for detail or not. . . I get really detailed with all of my doctors. That is one of my criteria in choosing them -- if they will entertain my detailed discussions, they are good for me. My cardio and I even debate non-cardiac medical issues. That really helps me to feel that the doctor treating me is actually a person whose responsibility it is to make sure my life is as good as possible. I appreciate every last one of them. . . and at my age there seem to be more and more of them.
That is EXACTLY it Steve. Some of them roll their eyes when you ask them questions. I think they feel intimidated that you might eventually ask something they can't answer. And why not? People are starting to do their research on the net. If I don't know something, I'll just stay so.

I had the pleasure of recently meeting a world 'expert'. I think the only person he cared about was himself. His patients are only a means to a goal. 'Oh, look at me. I'm a God amongst men.' Poor bastards :)
Agian;n866231 said:
That is EXACTLY it Steve. Some of them roll their eyes when you ask them questions. I think they feel intimidated that you might eventually ask something they can't answer. And why not? People are starting to do their research on the net. If I don't know something, I'll just stay so.

I had the pleasure of recently meeting a world 'expert'. I think the only person he cared about was himself. His patients are only a means to a goal. 'Oh, look at me. I'm a God amongst men.' Poor bastards :)

LOL! That kind of reminds me of a comment my wonderful valve surgeon Dr. McCarthy made when we first met him. I'll paraphrase, but he said "I may not be number 1 in the world for this procedure, but I'm certainly number 2." In his case, though, I think number 1 is closer to the truth.
Hey Steve, one of the guys on the ward told his surgeon (same one I have) that it's funny how he now has a cow valve and his boss has a pig valve. The guy responds 'We'll get you together and have a mixed grill.'