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Had an appointment with my long time cardiologist yesterday. So far everything looks good under the cir***stances. No fluid in my lungs and still a steady heartbeat. No audible changes in my lungs. Yay!!!!!

Just have a congested liver which is messing up my blood thinner. Nothing that can be helped.

Does anyone go to the Cleveland Clinic? My doc and sister are trying to get records together to send for a second opinion.
I go to Cleveland every now and then, but not for Cardiology, I go for Pulmonology. Whatcha need?
Well, I've been seeing the same cardio doc for the last 16-17 years and going to the same hospital/clinic for 30 years. It's a little daunting to think of going somewhere knew and,to me, unknown. I've visited the website, but I'm the type of person who likes to hear first hand from people who know.

I'm not sure if I'll be going there or not. It's a good 12-15 hour drive from where I am in Arkansas. Right now we're just getting an analysis based on about 5 years of medical records, then they'll let me know if they want to see me.

For Heart problems and Heart Surgery, there is no better place. You've got the top surgeons in the world there. If it's something that someone else can't fix, they can. You've heard of some people being given say like a 40% chance of having a valve repaired, well they'll tell you more like 90 to 95%. If it weren't for that place being in existence, I wouldn't be here today. They were the lucky bunch that took me off of a life flight helicopter and saved me when my aortic aneurysm ruptured back in 1995. This is the plus side to the place.

The negative side, there billing department is the worst in the world or so it seems. They have so many people to keep track of that you don't get personalized help from billing. Things get messed up and it takes a great deal of time to get resolved.
If you go for surgery, remember that they deal with hundreds of people per year. This gives you the feeling that your being treated as a number rather then a patient. It can't really be helped much.

Bottom line-If you have a heart problem that needs attention, your in the best possible place to get it fixed in Cleveland. You have to overlook the otherside of the coin.

My Heart Surgeon there:

My Pulmonologist there:
Ross, I always wondered about CCF's post op care. How is it? I hear nothing but "positive comments" which is a comfort in that knowing there is a great place like that out there!

To tell you the truth.....I am not comfortable from a surgical standpoint here in Chicago. Have heard too many scary stories.

PS. Lora, if you ever think about Memphis as an option. My surgery was at Baptist Heart Institue. Dr. Rodney/Dr. Brad Wolf.
They are wonderful. Saved my life after receiving some horriable aftercare by a cardioligist for INR management.
Gina while your in ICU the care is great. When you get to the stepdown unit, this is where you begin to feel like your being treated as a number. All in all though, it isn't any worse then what I went through at my home town hospital last year. Maybe I just complained too much? I think anyone would complain after being there for as long as I was. :eek:
Yes indeed Ross. A month total was a long time to be locked up for me. I can just imagine how you were feeling.:( Your a trooper!
Hmm, I think my Doctor and her staff sent out for transplant opinions to Birmingham, Houston, St. Louis, and Cleveland. I'll look into Memphis as well.

Thanks a bunch!!!

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