Last minute words of advice?

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Well, we leave tomorrow @ 6am for our wedding trip to the Caribbean for almost a month. My INRatio machine and I will be on our own medically. I have a dosing chart. I have doctor's OK. I have my pills and pill cutters. I have a letter from the dr for airport security stating that my INR machine and pills are medically necessary. (Anyone have trouble traveling with their machine or lancets?)

Any last minute words of advice for me?
I'm glad to hear that you haven't had trouble traveling with your INR home testing machine. I was kind of worried about that - going through security, customs, etc...

And yes - I will have fun! I just hope that my INR doesn't get too messed up!
A toast

A toast

May you be so prosperous that the smallest mouse will never be forced to leave your pantry hungry.
Alaska said:
Any last minute words of advice for me?
Have fun, drink wine, hold hands, smile so much the others think you are insane, hug often, don't worry - be happy.
What Gina said . . .

Wish I were going, too.

Hope your weather is good. Don't get sunburned. Do have a wonderful time.