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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Give Chris Crawford a hand for posting his avatar.:D

We've all been working on him for a long time, so lets clap, be silly, and let him know how much we appreciate him and his AV.
Aw Shucks, Thanks Ross. I was gonna do one with my shirt off but I was affraid I might cause multiple cases of VFIB. Besides that, I've got this funny lookin scar that runs down the middle of my chest --- not that nice. Thanks for your help. Now that I've got the picture, what are the ladies gonna complain about ???????
Wellll........I just saw that NEW GUY over on the birthday bash thread and was wondrin right off who that handsome falla is. Then I looked and it's our very own Chris. After all this time. By Golly, sure is nice to meetcha.
Well hi Chris! Someday I'll have someone help me post one too.
First I need a current picture. My husband suggested I find one in a magazine and use that instead....:)
Now that I've got the picture, what are the ladies gonna complain about ???????
They'll complain that there are no chunky guys trying to pick them up in convertibles. :D
Right Melissa! ;)
Would love a convertible:D

Not conducive for a car pool Mom, errand runner, jack of all trades. You name it.

Don't know what I would do without my SUV.
One day.......during my midlife I will trade that SUV for a convertible :D

Don't tell me it's a BMW Melissa. I would be really jealous;)
Man. . .the comment that wouldn't die! No more hunky men in convertible comments. I'll have to switch to talking about cute men in Speedos. :p

Like the picture, Chris!
Hi C-

Very nice to see your "mug". You appear almost human:D LOL
just a joke, don't get insulted

You're now a member of the good-looking guy club.
Hi Chris

Hi Chris

Yea, I'm back on..sitting here typing in the dark on Grandson's computer..He was kind enough to let me use his password..and Ross was kind enough to teach me how to log in.. Great picture. Chris. Now is that a John Deere or George Dickel cap you have on?:p Bonnie
Well, I knew it wasn't a Jack Daniels cap.

Really, Chris, it's great to finally "see you" as you claim to look (mischievous chuckle. . . ). Now I feel like we've really met.

Now, Chris and Ross, we need to gang up on Cort to get his avatar posted.

Gina, you're not alone in the "I love my SUV" group -- Chris (my wife, remember her?) has the truck in our family and she wouldn't be without it. That is, until our daughter is out of college in a bunch of years, then she wants some trendy European sedan. We'll see -- I'm hoping to steer her to a Japanese luxo sedan, as they have been more dependable for me.
Good Guesses Bonnie, but wrong on both counts. The Texans will appreciate this - Its a Behrends Feed and Fertilizer hat from Luckenbach, Tx. The feed mill is uptown Luckenbach and the bar and dance hall are downtown. Thats all folks, there is not much else in Luckenbach. Of course Willy comes to town every so often.
Ross-of course cute little chunky trolls count-as long as they're wearing a Speedo.
OK Ross, tell me again how do we post a picture...I really feel left out with everyone else showing their sweet selves. Thanks in advance...and remember I am very non techno!
Right on Melissa - Speedos rule!

Right on Melissa - Speedos rule!

Hotalmighty! Lookie at Mr. Chris under that cap.. Now, I'm gonna have to dig out that Luchenbach sweatshirt and get a new avatar done or maybe I'll go back to my 'original' ShezaGirlie avatar....I thought she was rather cute.

Hey Steve -- I'll pit my AMERICAN MADE Navigator up against your 'trendy European sedan' or 'Japanese luxo sedan' any day of the week...:D
It's Swimwear:D My daughter likes the girls version. Speedo's for men that don't race....... have always been kind of a joke amongst friends. They show off a bit too much if you catch my drift;)
They show off a bit too much if you catch my drift

Just depends on who is wearing them! :D And as long as we are getting specific about our convertibles, I'll take a Volvo C70 convertible (although the audis are kinda nice too. . . :) )