L-Carnitine and Coumadin

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Anybody know what effect L-Carnitine would have on INR levels? What about other amino acids like taurine arginine, lysine, proline, etc?
My INR is either high or low but eventually I would like to take some nutritional supplements and wondered what others experiences were in doing so.
Hello Jim,

Welcome to VR.com! I am sure someone will be along shortly to answer your question. Have not had experience with that particular supplement. Always a good idea to check your INR 3-4 days after introducing something new.

Noticed you are in the Chicago area. We are having a group reunion in Rosemont/Chicago. If you head over to the reunion section....you will find general information.

Hope you will join us this fall!

PS. Where did you have surgery? Noticed you are a double clicker. That makes 3 for Chicago. I had a single MVR while living down south close to 5 years ago.
Hi Jim,
Welcome to a Great Site with Great People. I checked in Al Lodwick's Warfarin guide and there is nothing on it. I would suggest that if you start taking it have your INR checked to see if you need to increase or decrease your dose. Like Gina said there will be more people coming on that will give you more info. If you want a very good guide on Warfarin and the interactions you should look into Al's book. It has helped me out a lot. www.warfarin.com Take Care and again Welcome.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical 27mm
Heart Center of the Rockies
I too welcome you!

I too welcome you!

Greetings Jim,

I'm one of the Chicago double clickers.

I don't know much about the supplements you are inquiring about either (L-Carnitine, taurine arginine, lysine, proline?). Could you clarify what these do? I'm a believer in my simple daily supplemental intake of Vit. E, Vit. C, Centrum Silver, Magnesium and Selenium. My INR stays pretty steady.

If you don't mind, please also give us more details about yourself, your surgery, etc. We ARE detail people you know!

And, I hope you might also consider Gina's invitation to join us at the Chicago Reunion this fall.

Vitamin and herbal interaction info

Vitamin and herbal interaction info

I don't have answers for your amino acid questions. But, I did notice on another post that you were also interested in vitamins and supplements. Perhaps you can filnd useful information on the following: www.healthwell.com/healthnotes/drug/warfarin.cfm#Dni-Supp

There is also a book entitled "Proteins, Peptides, and Amino Acids Source Book." by James S. and Dorothy C. White, (Humana Press, 2002) that might be helpful.

Thanks for all your responses Gina, fyrfytr
, Perry and Blanche!
I'll check out that amino acid book Blanche. I got interested in these supplements while reading about Linus Pauling and Dr. Rath on their views of heart disease. I've met one fellow patient on the internet that has a stable INR and is taking therapeutic levels of those supplements plus 4 gr Vit. C - that's what I'd like to get too.
If I can't make the reunion I'll be there in spirit anyway.
Now I have a new nickname that I hadn't heard before - "double clicker" - seems like a good message board here.
I had been hoping to find a Doctor who would treat for heart problems as well as be more open to nutritional supplements. I like Dr. Julian Whitaker but he's in California.
Here's a good link to a book on L-Carnitine and the heart at:

Not much to tell about me 'cept I have metal valves now. If I had known what a hassle the coumadin was I would have asked for pig valves.

PS Gina - I hope I can get one of thsoe at home Coagucheck machines - was your Doctor agreeable to presribing it?

Check you private messages. I did a PDR check on the L-C. its quite lenghty so I did not post to the board.