knee scope question

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While it is not my wish to take any time from our heart patients I could use any help I can get on why the heck my knee is still so swollen. I know the Coumadin for AHV can add to the swelling...but this long?
I had my knee scoped due to a torn meniscus and bone needed scraping, and a bakers cist. It was done 81/2 weeks ago and although I ice it constantly stretch it etc It is still giving me heck.
It is swollen and warm. It stays pretty warm to the touch. I know he had to do alot of carterizing to the blood vessels...but I don't think that would still be bothering it.
Has anyone experienced anything like this or have any knowledge to share?
Thanks for any bread crumbs thrown my way.:D
My orthopod stated that the knee swelling could be there forever; however, I would be a little more concerned in your case. With a red, swollen joint, it could be bursitis, an infection (very serious), arthritis, or gout. See someone right away; they may want to tap the joint, which will also give some relief.

Wish it would rain in Idaho,
thanks, I have gone ahead and called the Doctor back. He just always says it's the Coumadin..but maybe now he'll look more closely. Last time he gave me a medrol pack which threw my INR to 4.8, hopefully we can think of some alternatives. thanks! Deana